Hi. I have this computer with a broken bios, could anyone tell me how to bring him back to life?
I have a programmer at home but I don’t know how to do it and how to program the bone again. Because the rom file downloaded from the site manufacturer is 6Mb and the bone with bios is 4Mb so surely the bios shares for bios and ME firmware I don’t know
can anyone help me in this matter. thank you very much and good health and best regards
Yours sincerely,
@DareckiMXC - Dump both of those chips and send me in one zip or rar. Then link me also to the download of stock manufacturer BIOS package
Here is guide on how to use programmer, DO NOT use AUTO, ERASE or WRITE until I’ve checked your dumped files and said OK
[GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer
Here is general CH341A software package
Please read the second line of each BIOS chip and tell me what it is for each, so I can give you best software version info to use to make the dumps
I can read BIOS one, but only partially >> GD25B32 (I added GD, this is Gigadevice chip). I cannot read the other at all, I need to know what both say at second line of chip.
You may need to use flashlight and magnifying glass, or take more clear images (with and without flash, maybe not zoomed in so close, or maybe zoom in closer etc)
I don’t have image and this dump file a few days earlier
I saw on ebay that someone is selling the same model as my Clevo P375SM-A that has a bios modified PREMA MOD I asked him if he could save this bios for me and send it to me ripped the bios with UNIVERSAL BIOS BACKUP TOOLKIT and sent me a file… after I flashing computer dead never boot again black screen and fan running 100% after 3min automatically shut dow power. is there any chance to save this computer?
Answer what I asked above, then I can help you dump both chips, then I will make you fixed BIOS to program back to both chips. I have stock BIOS now, so you don’t need to find.
So yes I Dumped these two files from two chip.
One is (4Mb - Bios from chip 25B32BSIG)
and (2Mb - inscription near chip ME 25B16BSIG)
and also I attached Bios files who I put to bios chip.
I have programmer at home : TL866 II PLUS
I would like to add yet it may be helpful at the very end of flashing I received the message like in the picture… and black screen after try reboot
files are no longer needed here because I will not provide Prema Mod which is not legal
for free
thank you so much for your fucking time, Headmaster
but I did it myself without you !!!compiuter working!!! Also with Prema Mod so I can tell you Headmaster
How to do it first you need to download BIOS from manufacturer site exactely to yours model… ( mine Clevo - P375SM-A ) After you need check on Mainboard you Chip size and part number … When in your compiuter you have two chip (one BIOS and one ME ) so you need to first download HeX Editor and read bios files
so bios files its 6Mb hmm and Chip its 4 and 2Mb you need split your BIOS first 2Mb files you start copy in HeX Editor starting from : 0000 - 0000 read to
001F - FFFF0 so after copy paste to empty files and save it you get exactely 2048Kb files so rest data save with second files syarring from 0020 - 0000 and copy to end of files 003F - FFF0 and save it…
So after you start flashing your chip… first start 2Mb chip from files 2048Kb and after second Chip Bios you flash with Files 4096Kb and after this your compiuter its get again any message from mainboard and start live again
Donate me 50£ if you want thanks for you help Headmaster LostInBios
Yours sincerely,
Andrzej Sekucja
Mob : +447548431781
@DareckiMXC - No need to curse at me! I am only here helping
I asked for your BIOS dumped so I could copy over your system specific details (serials, UUID, LAN MAC ID etc).
I do not need, nor care to have Prema BIOS, it’s leaked out there online anyway. But, no matter, if that would have been what you dumped, I don’t care and would have tossed it out as soon as I was done grabbing your details to fix into new BIOS for you anyway, since BIOS was bricked as is
So calm down, I was only helping, no need to throw profanity my way or call me HeadMaster (whatever you meant by that?)
Glad you were able to fix it on your own, but I would have happily helped you given the time and files I asked you to send
If you want me to fix your serial, UUID etc, send me those dumps if you need me to fix (you can send in PM if you want). If you don’t need my help with that, no problem, enjoy your now working system - good work getting it figured out yourself
to do this you don’t need any files !!! you just didn’t know how to do it lol !!!just download the appropriate bios file from the producer’s Manufacturer website and split it in HeX editor into two bones obviously logical starting with a smaller bone start from address : 0000 - 0000 and to 001F - FFF0 because the bone address starts with 0000 - 0000 and ends with 0020 - 0000 for it is a bone 2Mb so then delete from the file the code you have already copied and a 4096 kb file is created automatically of course you’ve already cut the first 2048 Kb and in the file after cutting automatically reduce the file tables and entries starting again from the address
0000 - 0000 and ending with 003F - FFF0 because the bone is and from the file we had with the address 005F - FFF0 we created two. valid bios files
also what are you writing and talking about at all I don’t know anything is needed only the manufacturer’s bios file !!!
greets you Microsoft programmer
Polish guys live in Scotland
No, to do this PROPERLY, if you wanted to keep your original system info (NVRAM, Serial, UUID, LAN MAC ID if stored in BIOS etc) I needed dump from your system.
Of course I know how to do it, I was going to do much more than you did, and yes, was going to use the stock BIOS as base, to insert your original info into, split and then give to you to program each chip.
I split, mod, work on BIOS all day every day for 10+ years Today is FAR from my first day
Of course, I can see you don’t know what I was talking about, that’s why I was trying to help. I was talking about your system specific info, serial #, UUID, Possibly LAN MAC ID (for Ethernet, if present) etc
Polish guys live everywhere, even in Poland I think?
You are very rude, especially after asking for help, why? I was only being nice and trying to help you.
Maybe someone else rubbed you the wrong way on another forum? It wasn’t here, so no need to take it out on me