bios yoga 460

i need bios yoga 460

This post is in the wrong section, but here you go, latest version is 1.55

this update
ineed rom file 16mb

You mean to use in a flash programmer? If yes, then please upload a copy of 16MB image you have from backup with your programmer (Be sure it’s “verified” in your programmer read/save then verify) and I can try to update and send back to you.

this old bios

old.rar (5.52 MB)

$0AR0500.FL1 is the full BIOS, located in the R05ET77W folder once you install the above exe (at c/drivers/flash/) probably minus Intel ME section, which you cannot write to anyway without a flash programmer. I checked the BIOS in several tools, it is a complete BIOS, flash per their instructions.

Here is 101MB bootable ISO image if you’d rather update via USB or CD

Yes, I see “Old.rom” BIOS has ME, new download does not, I can help fix that, once you answer below about what caused issue

Unless you did mean for recovery via flash programmer. If that is what you meant, please send me your backup and I will see if I can fix or update for you. I will check “old.rom” Thanks!
Did it “verify” with programmer when you made backup? You have to make sure it verify chip and buffer main memory, otherwise may be corrupt, sometimes you have to try few different software version before you find one that works properly to read from chip/save/verify

Please confirm, is that what you are trying to do, recover from bad flash with flash programmer now? If yes, please explain how the problem happened, bad BIOS flash, or did you try to flash in wrong BIOS model, or what happened?

I can’t do right now, getting ready to leave, but will get this fixed for you tonight, don’t worry! Does not boot at all, correct? If you can boot, I need output from MEinfo if you can, if not it’s OK we can try to work around (Intel Bootguard / ACM might not allow BIOS edit to work properly)

What is your LAN MAC Address, so I can fix into BIOS for you. It’s probably on the board somewhere on a sticker, maybe around/on the LAN module itself too.
Check all sides of the metal square, it’s a 6 x 2 digits may have spaces or not, or semicolons, or all ran together.

Here is BIOS fixed, aside from the LAN MAC ID. Board serial may not be correct either, I need you to let me know about all that if needed.
If it’s wrong I can fix, but I didn’t check into that yet, more interested in getting you bootable first, then we can make another BIOS later with board details fixed if needed

does not work data

Need more info than "Does not work" What happens? Have you removed all power, from wall and CMOS batter, for 1+ minutes after reprogram? If not, do that now, then try to start again

Did you verify your old BIOS you sent previously, with programmer read/verify, then save? I asked previously but you never answered, this is required. If you did not verify, then it may have been corrupt/wrong when I started working on it.
If yes you did verify before, did you use same app version this time to write to the chip, and verify memory buffer and chip verify after writing?
If you are not sure, save from the chip again, then verify that saved BIOS vs what I sent you in file comparison w/ hex editor files should match exactly

And I need LAN MAC ID