black screen after bios downgrade


So i need to see your motherboard photos , please make shots and upload for me here , i will get the Eeprom chips for you.
Let me know


Ok friend,
It’s a laptop with Intel CPU so you have to fins the ME version.
Use the HWINFO64 tool to looking for it and on the left side you will get a ME row, then select it to get infos about and write to me
the log …

I will find for you the right Fpt tool to make a Bios Backup.
Let me know

I have fixed it already friend @BDMaster using the file you uploaded to me thanks bro

Hello has someone wsad for my bios in the gigabyte G5 KC laptop? , because i want repair broken bios in program.

This thread is about a Lenovo laptop- why are hijacking it?