Boot Guard Questions and Bypass for modded BIOS


After a ton of research and messing around with my BIOS I want to add CPU microcode to, it seems like it is locked down by Boot Guard as Measured and Verified boot sre enabled on FPF.

If I manually flash a modded BIOS using a hardware programmer will it refuse to boot, or does Boot Guard abort the boot sequence only if the UEFI firmware itself is modified?

If it will refuse to boot, then does that mean my only option is to desolder the PCH chipset and replace it with one that doesnt have the FPF flashed with the vendor signing key/hash so that I can flash a modified BIOS? Or is there some sort of software-based solution/Boot Guard bypass that can be done?

I just want to use the new CPU I purchased, and all this research is so tiring just to end up being able to do nothing.

Would appreciate any input at all.