Bricked(?) Shuttle SH370R6 (AMI Aptio V)


I’ve “successfully” (possibly) bricked a Shuttle SH370R6 (AMI Aptio V).

I have two questions:
1) Is there any way I can make it post/boot again, or should I RMA it? Steps taken and symptoms below.
2) What (avoidable) errors have I commited?

Original (working) firmware

I’ve updated everything (disk controller, video, network and microcode) I could with UBU, the modified firmware can be downloaded from gdrive.
I could not flash it straight away because of BIOS Lock, so I’ve followed [Tool Guide] AMI Setup - IFR Extractor AMISetupWriter.
After the last reboot I’m experiencing the following:
- power LED, fans working
- no video (tried IGP and external card with both legacy and GOP support)
I’ve a USB2 flash drive attached to back panel. This drive has LED which is blinking on activity, pulsating otherwise.
Upon powering on the board, the flash drive LED is blinking for a short period of time then switch to pulsating.
If I do a clear CMOS, drive lights up after a few seconds (if external GPU is used, its fans start to spin at that time), starts blinking, then pulsates, blinks again for a few seconds, and finally switch to pulsating.
USB keyboard (no PS/2 ports on board) is powered on, but does not react to anything (even Num Lock does not toggle).

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

@Geth - Sounds like maybe the video update was not done correctly, could also have messed up the ME (If Intel ME FW is there, didn’t check BIOS files yet)
Do you have a BIOS backup, of any kind, before this happened? Do you have a flash programmer like CH341A?

If you do not have a flash programmer, and can’t wait for one to arrive ($6 total for one to arrive in 3-5 weeks, or $10-20 to have one shipped quicker from close to you, if you can find), then your only luck may be searching Google for Shuttle BIOS recovery method, or contact Shuttle and ask if they will tell you procedure if there is one.
Check the board over for 2pin jumpers, there may be a recovery jumper that could help

So, you flashed via FPT? If yes, did you dump BIOS region (or whole BIOS) via FPT, then edit, then flash that, or were you using stock BIOS update to edit then program in with FPT?
The latter there, FPT program in stock BIOS instead of dump edited, will cause you to loose your board specific details (Serial, UUID, LAN MAC ID, NVRAM, Possibly windows activation etc)
Ahh yes, I see you did this, I can tell by stock empty NVRAM volume in your mod BIOS and missing entire secondary NVRAM volume too

I also see incorrectly modified microcode edit, this is probably the cause of the bricked BIOS, unless also vBIOS/GOP which I can’t check properly without an actual dumped BIOS from your end before this issue

What CPU are you using? The GOP you inserted is recommended for CFL only, per this post Intel EFI “RaidDriver” and “GopDriver” BIOS Modules (45) And page one download area of that same thread.
When you did the actual vBIOS part, did you mod the new vBIOS you inserted with Intel BMP per the guide, before giving it to UBU? If not, this and the previous comment on GOP may be the main issue why no video, if board is not bricked due to the incorrect microcode edit

Also! BIOS Lock is disabled by default in the stock BIOS, so you should not have received any BIOS lock error, and this edit was not required.
Unless by some strange coincidence they had it enabled in the older BIOS you had on board, but disabled it in the new BIOS version (highly unlikely)

I do not have a flash programmer but I’ll check out if I can buy one in a shorter period (3-5 weeks is a loong time) if you or someone else can be a little be more specific what to buy, because I’m a total newb in that area (as well…).
The google part about recovery was fruitless so far, I’ll definitely contact Shuttle about possible recovery method and will also check out the board later but I’m not optimistic about that.

Yep, I did the FPT with the stock one :frowning: it’s my fault, it’s just the guide were not overly specific about editing the dumped one. I’ve copied the the backup (8 MB).
CPU: G5500
vBIOS was done accoring to Intel BMP guide.
BIOS lock was definitely there, IFR extract was very clear about that.

Here is what you need, cheaper examples on ebay with long shipping. You can find these locally on ebay, or from sellers in China that will ship faster, or you can buy in other stores like Amazon or Newegg type places that have all usual computer hardware << you only need this, if BIOS is soldered to the board, and not in a socket. If it’s in a socket, you need the programmer above in first link + this

I checked IFR on stock BIOS, and checked it again just now, and BIOS lock is disabled, maybe you read it incorrectly?
One Of: BIOS Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0xA11, VarStore: 0x1, QuestionId: 0xC32, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 9E 0A 9F 0A 32 0C 01 00 11 0A 10 10 00 01 00}
One Of Option: Disabled, Value (8 bit): 0x0 (default) {09 07 04 00 30 00 00} << Default
One Of Option: Enabled, Value (8 bit): 0x1 {09 07 03 00 00 00 01}