Code b0 on my dx79to Intel board after trying to add more ram

I tried to upgrade my RAM from 32GB to 64GB.
Old RAM was g.skill trident z 2400 4x8GB.
The new ones g.skill ripjaws z 1600 4x8GB
I set the bios to 1600, when it was still responding.
The new RAM was used and some of the new pieces are faulty. But now my board a dx79to won’t recognize any RAM anymore.
I don’t get anything on the monitor it stays black.
The board makes 3 beeps and the LED shows “b0”.
This happens with any combination of RAM or without any RAM.
Even with just a 2GB DDR3 RAM from another PC.

Any help would be very appreciated.
Please excuse my bad english, its not my native language.


0xB0 – 0xBF
Boot Devices: Includes fixed media and removable media. Not that critical since consoles should be up at this point.

EDIT: I posted the the motherboard manual and the code pasted is from the table inside of it, but my opinion is that the motherboard was wrecked by those faulty new modules.
A deep inspection should be made to the board and several main components should be taken measures with a voltmeter, especially in the area of dimm slots/memory controller, of course this is not a case for a common user/modding forum and requires advanced board repair/diagnostic skills, thats all from me, good luck.

Thank you for your answer. But I can’t get into the bios, cause the screen stays black. All my PC does is beep 3 times and show the “b0” on the LEDs even with or without my ssd-harddrive.
Or what do you mean by consoles should be up?
Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the edit of your answer.
Maybe it’s really time for me to save some money and leave the old components be.
Thank you MeatWar.

You’re welcome… a pity as its a really nice board, ageing of course… i would make a deep closeup visual inspection of the board out of the case, oxidation, pcb damage, components damage, socket close inspection, slot debris, etc… removing vrm/pch heatsinks, a good brush/bath, compressed air blowout, fowling 24h sun exposure, you’ll lose your time on this but who knows… cheers.