Cpu Fans not spinning and no 12 volt RGB

Hey everyone I’ve just purchased a ASU’s maximus X Hero and updated bios everything boots into Windows but CPU Fans not spinning and no 12v RGB either!!
Checked bios and in qfan control says Cpu Fan N/A??
Cheers in advance

More details please… used hw or new, cpu cooler model if custom, voltmeter check etc…
Bios post doesn’t complain of no CPU FAN?
CMOS cleared?
Any old/another cooler or a spare 3/4pin fan to test?

Nice one… good couple of ideas m8 cheer’s. didn’t think to check with voltmeter duh thankx
If the header no good is it ok to use cpu_ opt nxt to it if that works lol yet to try
Also the RGB should be lit though hey it’s plugged in the 12 v header on mobo even if no power for fan?? Or do both headers have to be working eg: rgb 12v and cpu_ fan header??

Everything actually works great and boots to windows but no cpu fans or rgb atall , all chassis fans work with rgb fine 5v…so dare not even log in I’ve just been having to shutdown
Also already checked bios Q-control Cpu Fan says N-A for some reason, never had this problem
PS: fans are 4pin PWM and brand new corsair

Yes it can be useable, but usually its a high rpm header… as its designed for pumps.
RGB usually should also be lit… no cpu header linked.

The rest of my questions weren’t answered…

used hw or new, cpu cooler model if custom
Bios post doesn’t complain of no CPU FAN?
CMOS cleared?
Any old/another cooler or a spare 3/4pin fan to test?