Dell 7070 unable to build new image using FIT. It says I need the original CSE image

I have been reading the pinned post and been reading related post from searching, but I think I have ended up with information overload, and I seem to be missing something simple.

I have a Dell OptiPlex 7070 with ME disabled. I managed to add a jumper to the service mode pins, and things seems writable now.

I dumped the entire image with fptw64 -d full.bin, and I opened it using Flash Image Tool, and was greeted with basically all of the AMT parameters set to “no”, which was expected.

I switched them to “yes”, and set “Manageability Application initial power-up state” to enabled, and then i tried to build a new image, but was greated with the following:

FW image for FW Update was not created. See deatils in: C:\Users\...\Downloads\Intel CSME System Tools v12 r22 [FPT_LINUX_SUPPORTED]\Flash Image Tool\WIN32\cse_image_FWU_Base_WARNING.txt

FW image for FW Update was not created. See deatils in: C:\Users\...\Downloads\Intel CSME System Tools v12 r22 [FPT_LINUX_SUPPORTED]\Flash Image Tool\WIN32\cse_image_FWU_Full_WARNING.txt

Both the full and the base text file contained the same information:

** WARNING ***
FW image for FW Update was NOT created!
  Reason: CSE FW from a decomposed IFWI image was used.
Action to fix the situation: 
  To have the FW Update image created, use the original Intel CSE image included in the ME FW Kit as released by Intel.

It did create an outimage.bin file with a different md5 hash than the full.bin I used as input. But when opening theoutimage.bin file the changed AMT settings are not present, which was kind of expected given the error.

So, this is where my information overload comes in, reading all those pinned comments. I have no idea exactly what to do, as reading those posts seemed to indicate that I should be able to open my own image file and modify it and flash it without cleaning it and messing with generic images?

What CSME did you use?

I would like to say none. If I understand your question correctly, then I didn’t download any.

I dumped the full firmware from my machine using FPT and opened that in FIT to make the changes, and try and build a new file with those changes.

If I understand it correctly, then the CSME is just part of the full firmware?, where all the values enabling/disabling features like AMT are in the descriptor part.
But from what it read on some of the posts on the forum, then I should be able to modify my own firmware and then flash that again, which should be the simplest solution to toggling those few settings, instead of messing with a clean dump, trying to brand it, etc.

For what it is worth, this is the output of ME Analyser of my dumped firmware.

║         ME Analyzer v1.283.3 r333         ║

║                full.bin (1/1)               ║
║            Family           │     CSE ME    ║
║           Version           │ ║
║           Release           │   Production  ║
║             Type            │   Extracted   ║
║             SKU             │  Corporate H  ║
║           Chipset           │ CNP/CMP-H B,A ║
║ TCB Security Version Number │       1       ║
║ ARB Security Version Number │       14      ║
║    Version Control Number   │       61      ║
║       Production Ready      │      Yes      ║
║      OEM Configuration      │       No      ║
║       FWUpdate Support      │   Impossible  ║
║             Date            │   2022-05-29  ║
║      File System State      │  Initialized  ║
║             Size            │    0x77C000   ║
║       Flash Image Tool      │ ║
║         Power Management Controller         ║
║            Family           │      PMC      ║
║           Version           │ 300.2.11.1025 ║
║           Release           │   Production  ║
║             Type            │  Independent  ║
║         Chipset SKU         │       H       ║
║       Chipset Stepping      │       B       ║
║ TCB Security Version Number │       3       ║
║ ARB Security Version Number │       3       ║
║    Version Control Number   │       0       ║
║       Production Ready      │       No      ║
║             Date            │   2020-02-06  ║
║             Size            │    0x14000    ║
║       Chipset Support       │      CNP      ║

You can’t just do the changes and rebuild, you have to exchange the ME Sub Partition in the ‘filename’\decomp folder with a CSME from the repository or extracted by FIT from an (stitched) update file.