Dell 7910 Bios will not erase

This motherboard for bricked during bios update. I was able to copy bios dump from a friends identical computer. BIOS Chip is MX25L12873F-M21-10G
I am using CH314A via test clips, same method i used to copy the bios. I have erased BIOS at least 5 times. When i read after erase i can still see data.
If I use Auto function I get message that buffer and bios contents are in disagreement.

Any ideas, can someone assist me please.

Is it ur 1srt time doing this kind of operations?.. welcome then…because its not always easy or working in firsts attempts, uve go to try different software versions…plenty of it in in the forum threads related.
At least u got good connections clip/pins… thats already very good.

yes this is the first time doing this type of operation, seems more like a surgery. Ok so I so far have done everything with 1.34. i have few older ones here as well. let me give that a try. Thank you so much