Dell Latitude E6420 - Need help with BIOS flashing

A couple of minor things…
If you google “chuck nemeth x230 coreboot” you’ll find a nice post talking about some of these CH341A programmers (mostly black pcb) having 5V on the I/O pins even though VCC is 3.3V. Seems like plenty of people use them successfully anyway. I have a one with a green pcb and it has 3.3V I/O pins as appropriate for chips with a max VCC of 3.6V per their datasheet.

On the E6420 the 2MB chip is the upper. FD is at the start of the 8MB chip. BIOS starting at 0x00600000 begins in the 8MB and its upper 2MB, including the reset vector are in the 2MB chip.

I’ve had no problems with a CH341A (green PCB) and matching SOIC8 clip on either chip with flashrom under Linux. The board is plugged in but off. I’ve done with this just a motherboard with CPU, plugged into my docking station, and with an intact E6420 with the keyboard lifted. Both cases I had them on the dock. I could test flashrom without the dock if that would be helpful. The mobo & laptop are both integrated graphics only. I have not messed with my discrete graphics unit.

I think my intact E6420 is running A15 and the mobo is A16. My discrete graphics unit is on A25. (but I haven’t dumped it)


Hi! Thanks for the info. @Lost_N_BIOS will probably find them more useful than I.

So, you currently have a dump of your current laptop? Can you send them? Maybe I won’t have to dismantle my friend computer then.

Also, if I understand, it is better to leave the computer plugged-in during the flashing process?
I was thinking about unplugging it and removing the battery.

And for your model with discrete graphic, everything is OK on it?

I’m curious to know what broke mine.

the only thing I can think about is the fact I used a newer Windows version of the ASSET tools (to add/change/remove the asset tag and owner tag) while, in the past, I was using an old pure-DOS version.

I don’t have any issues with my E6420 Nvidia i7 on A25. I was using Windows 7 before, now running Windows 10 as well as Debian Linux. No issues rebooting, suspending/resuming that I have noticed. I don’t work it that hard, it isn’t my main machine, but more for casual couch use and Linux use.

I never mess with the owner / asset info. It is my home machine and stays home.

Yes, I have dumps of A15 & A16, PM me. I guess I could dump all the versions between A16 & A25 if I upgrade one at a time. Since I got the extra machines to get coreboot working, I don’t really need the Dell BIOS anyway so I didn’t want to upgrade them.

Edit… forgot to mention the plugged in part. Yes, the USB Programmer can’t provide enough power on VCC to power the chip & the southbridge/pch other stuff on the board. So you can’t talk to it. Plugging in the power (while the unit stays off) provides enough standby power to make it work. Yes, unsafe to connect power from my USB programmer machine to the “live” board, but I’ve flashed the 2MB chip a ton of times now and the 8MB a handful. No issues with the bare board or the full laptop.


I sent you a PM.

Also, I’m thinking that the problem may come from the “new” asset tools I used (which is Windows based).

If you have time, and want to, could you upgrade one of your E6420 to A25 then use the Asset tools and set an owner information and asset tag and check if everything is ok?

If it fails, rollback and use the old dos tools and check again.

Don’t forget to backup everything first :slight_smile:

The programmer I bought is this one :…FA/143374830494

@anarethos - Yes, another user you knows full dump would help, but he’d have to give you his asset # and service tag too, so I could locate in BIOS and swap in yours.
Ohh, thanks, yes, we can enable ME and vPRO I use various tools, usually UEFITool and a hex editor, and for this I’ll also be using Intel FITc to do the ME stuff.
Please check in google first and make sure your CPU supports vPRO - otherwise if not I can just enable ME but not vPRO

And yes, sounds like this new Asset tool you used may have caused some issues as well. Either give me all your info (if you have not already, sorry I’m not looking in your folder right now) and I will put directly into the BIOS, or use the old DOS versions if you want to do it

@gillham - that’s all fearmongering or unfounded concerns etc, it worried and got me at first too, but 5v is only used internally within the programmer itself, only 3.3V is sent out to the board, so nothing to worry about at all.
If you don’t mind, would you send me dump from system with A16 flashed in, dump both chips and zip for me. I know all about how to work with these BIOS, so you don’t need to tell me what’s what when you send, thanks
With this dump, please also include your service tag, asset tag, serial, and MAC ID in a text file.

For the Asset/Owner info, leave it blank. I will play with the DOS tools. Anyway, was just for fun to show my name on the boot screen. Not really needed.

You already have my MAC address.
My service tag is : DMXK4R1

The processor is i5-2520m. Vpro seems to be supported as per Intel datasheet.

And I don’t really need the ME stuff. I mean, if it takes you 2 seconds, ok, but don’t waste your time on that.

was just for fun to show my name on the boot screen. << What’s this mean?

Thanks for service tag, I think that can be added with the Dell tools package too. I prefer to fix BIOS right, all at once during first edit, for system specific info, so I will stick it all in there (you playing around with this is how we’re both in this thread, so maybe best to correct it properly and leave it )

ME stuff may be the issue, or part of it, so we’ll sort that out as we go. Well, I mean ME FW itself could be part of the problems, based on your initial problem description, could be messed up ME FW (due to Dell error, not properly flashed in, not matched with BIOS properly etc)
We’ll get it sorted though And then once done, we can enable vPRO etc. It’s just a few clicks to enable it, nothing to worry about wasting my time or anything like that


Just to be sure we understand each other.

Service Tag = Serial number = Cannot be set by command line with public tools ==> Please put it in the new BIOS for my system as I don’t know how to do it myself (idem for MAC address)
Asset Tag = 8 character, set through BIOS or asset tools utility. Used to identify the computer in the business. Can be found through script, etc. ==> I don’t really use that. Leave blank or "not set"
Owner Tag = 81 characters, shown on boot screen over the Dell Logo. That is what I mean with “show my name on the boot screen”. Can be set with utility. ==> Leave blank or “not set”. Will play with that once everything is fixed, working and having a bios image to reflash just in case

Also thang for the clarification about the 5/3.3 volts stuff. I was afraid that I bough the wrong thing.

BTW, how did you learn that much with bios modding and stuff? Juste by fun or you are working in that domain?

Gotcha And I did not mean “public” tools, I mean several Dell tools that are not public, at least not meant to be public anyway . I assume you have, do you also have A209.exe, it’s similar but not the same?
And do you have the full Dell DSTCD tool package? << This has service tag tool in there too, but I’ve never used. I can send you all this if you don’t have already, let me know.

Just years of experience in editing and fixing systems to resell. Self taught, and yes, mainly for fun, keeps my mind occupied so I don’t go crazy
I need to learn 10X more though!!! I mainly know AMI BIOS best, Insyde BIOS kicks my but 80% of the time


Yes, I have the ASSET.COM tools (DOS) and the newer version which is also available in x32/x64 for Windows.

I don’t have the other Dell tools you are talking about.

What is the A209.exe thing?

And finally, is there a way to keep the uuid of the system to keep Windows activation?


Fortunately I had taken a photo of the bios screen on the bare motherboard, so I didn’t need to re-flash it to factory to confirm the service tag.

Did your clip & chip programmer show up @anarethos ?

@gillham No. And per the tracking number, looks like is was still not shipped :frowning:

@Lost_N_BIOS I have now a dump of 2 BIOS from @gillham. Want them right now or you prefer to wait that I also dump my A25 version ?

I played with UEFIsomething and found a few string in the BIOS about nVidia Optimus. Don’t know if the bios is identical between the one with and withou nVidia card.

The @gillham dump is without the nVidia card while I have one.


I’m at my job right now but got a confirmation about my package being delivered. Good!

So, now, the next step.

1) Which software/drivers should install (I am on Windows 10 1909 x64)

2) How do I connect the programmer to the bios chip and in which order (connector to programmer, power to board, programmer to usb, etc.). I don’t want to do a short circuit

3) How do I dump both chip. I do I check I can rewrite my own bios on them

I suppose that when all that will be OK I will be able to write back the bios that Lost_N_BIOS will send to me?

Thanks again all!

BTW, the programmer is identified as USB-EPP/I2C CH341A with the driver pack “CH341PAR.EXE”. Thanks.

Edit : I was able to extract my current bios from the computer. Easy access under the keyboard. Didn’t add to connect to external power source. I put the two files here in ZIP archive.
2 chips : W25Q16V and W25Q64BV.

Thanks in advance!

A25 - Original corrupted (5.22 MB)



I found a .BIN file of both E6420 chip in bin format with version A21.

I decided to give them a try.

Here what I did :

1) Dumped my A25 bios just in case
2) Loaded the A21 bios
3) With FPT, dumped the GBE part in a BIN file
4) Edited the BIN file and replaced the previous MAC address with mine
5) Reloaded the GBE BIN file with FPT (this not seems to be locked at all)

Now, everything seem to work.

Here is the modified A21 bios from my computer.

Can you look at it and tells me if everything is OK?

Curioussly, I still see my service tag in the bios, not the one from the original computer from which the bios was extracted. Normal?


Edit : Oh, btw, I was able to update to A25 after. Jus didn’t had the time to dump the bios. Everything works.

Edit2 :
I just saw that ME stuff don’t show anymore on the HWINFO software, like it does not exist at all. Weird.
Can you help me fix that ?
I added my A25 dump.

Edit3: I tried the bios from @gillham and I get “ME is in recovery state” error. Rolled-back to the A25 version I made. Cursiously, I can’t seems to have Network boot aven with PXE enabled.

Edit4: Ok. Well, I went back to my original A25 (the “broken” one) and the MEInfo tools works. Reboot problem still present. Seems that flashing someone else bios give problem if not correctly modified and I don’t know how. I will really need help here.

Edit5 : I took my original “broken” bios and replaced the Bios part with UEFITools in it. I kept the ME, Descriptor, Gbe Part, etc. Bios was back at A21. Reboot problem still there. So it is the ME zone which is broken. Now trying the opposite. Keeping all from my BIOS be reverting the ME to one from another bios dump.

Edit6 : Reverting the ME zone make the ME undetectable through the MEINFO tools (cannot communicate with ME something). Can’T easily enter the bios also through the F12 key.


A21 - Internet source - (5.21 MB)

A21 - New modified bios - With good mac (5.22 MB)

A25 - JpLague - Repaired - Jp Lague - Full (5.16 MB)

@anarethos - Yes, you would keep all system specific details if I fix the BIOS for you
Here is the Dell tools package I meant, which also includes A209 -…514151254295509
gillham’s BIOS is only useful to me if he also gave you all his system info (Asset Tag, Service Tag, Serial, UUID, LAN MAC ID, or at least a few of those)
Wait, yes, please send me his dumped BIOS, I will use it as known good working source to redo your ME FW for an A25 test and an A16 test (you prefer to end up on A25 fixed, correct, not A16?)

So… Sorry for my delayed reply here, but I see you were impatient and didn’t wait for help.
This is a split BIOS (Directly in the middle of a compressed volume), so you can’t just program one chip with one other file without programming both chips at once from that same source or compiled then split BIOS.
BIOS must be compiled, fixed, then split to program back to both chips at once.

* Edit - As initial test, here is your BIOS as-is w/ fixed ME (may still be broken ME, if something carries over from OG ME and doesn’t get fixed in the ME FW redo process).
But, we should test this first

Program BOTH chips with these files. For W25Q64BV be sure you are using software version 1.30 or 1.34 or write may fail. Be sure you program 2MB file to the 2MB chip (16 in ID) and 8MB file to 8MB chip (64 in ID)…468243012092459

Then, remove ALL power (Main battery, CMOS if possible, and PSU cable), and let system sit for 1+ minute with zero power (also, during this time, press and hold the power on button for 10+ seconds)
Then put battery back, connect PSU, and start system, boot to BIOS, load optimal defaults, save and reboot back to BIOS and make any other changes you need, then boot to windows and check ME FW etc.

If this works, and all is OK, I will then help you re-update the ME FW to latest using ME FW update tool. I could not use latest ME FW for this because we do not have any clean RGN files for latest version, so you can only apply it via ME FW update tool.

@anarethos  - Yes, you would keep all system specific details if I fix the BIOS for you

Thanks! I'am lost right now.

Here is the Dell tools package I meant, which also includes A209 -

Thanks. Downloaded. Will take a look.

gillham's BIOS is only useful to me if he also gave you all his system info (Asset Tag, Service Tag, Serial, UUID, LAN MAC ID, or at least a few of those)
Wait, yes, please send me his dumped BIOS, I will use it as known good working source to redo your ME FW for an A25 test and an A16 test (you prefer to end up on A25 fixed, correct, not A16?)

He gave me all the required informations. I will send you a PM with a FTP link to my server to take his stuff from there.

So.... Sorry for my delayed reply here, but I see you were impatient and didn't wait for help. 
This is a split BIOS (Directly in the middle of a compressed volume), so you can't just program one chip with one other file without programming both chips at once from that same source or compiled then split BIOS.
BIOS must be compiled, fixed, then split to program back to both chips at once.

Yeah, I know I'm impatient a little bit. Sorry for that and thank for you patience.
Still, I managed to find how to merge the 2 chips file in one (copy /B...) and open them with UEFITools.
Was even have, finally, to resplit the merged file in 2 file to rewrite them in the eeprom.
I tried to import the ME region, with UEFITool, from another bios but it didn't went really well.
Just saw yesterday about the "cleaning" stuff about ME when taken a dump from someone else.
I will wait for you now because it is out of my current knowledge and even if I may find a way to fix that, it will take me ages.

* Edit - As initial test, here is your BIOS as-is w/ fixed ME (may still be broken ME, if something carries over from OG ME and doesn't get fixed in the ME FW redo process). 
But, we should test this first

Program BOTH chips with these files. For W25Q64BV be sure you are using software version 1.30 or 1.34 or write may fail. Be sure you program 2MB file to the 2MB chip (16 in ID) and 8MB file to 8MB chip (64 in ID)
Then, remove ALL power (Main battery, CMOS if possible, and PSU cable), and let system sit for 1+ minute with zero power (also, during this time, press and hold the power on button for 10+ seconds)
Then put battery back, connect PSU, and start system, boot to BIOS, load optimal defaults, save and reboot back to BIOS and make any other changes you need, then boot to windows and check ME FW etc.
If this works, and all is OK, I will then help you re-update the ME FW to latest using ME FW update tool. I could not use latest ME FW for this because we do not have any clean RGN files for latest version, so you can only apply it via ME FW update tool.

Thanks! I will flash it tonigh to test it and will give you the result.

I am using the 1.18 version of the programming software and it seems to work OK with the file I wrote. The 1.29 give me error about missing drivers.

@Lost_N_BIOS : It works! Everything works! PXE, Reboot, ME is shown in Windows, MEINFO return OK, etc. You the man! (or the girl, I don't even know)

I forced the reflash of A25 BIOS from DOS. Everything works (it seems!). ME is at version :
I have attached the BIOS file.

Looks like some features are now disabled

BIOS Version: A25
MEBx Version:
Gbe Version: 1.3
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 4
FW Version:

FW Capabilities: 17898592

Intel(R) Active Management Technology - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Standard Manageability - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED

Get Provisioning Tls Mode command...done
Provisioning Mode: PKI
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled

BIOS Version: A25
MEBx Version:
Gbe Version: 1.3
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 4
FW Version:

FW Capabilities: 17898560

Intel(R) Active Management Technology - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Standard Manageability - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED

Get Provisioning Tls Mode command...done
Provisioning Mode: Unknown
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled

I have attached the MEINFO file of before/after.

If you are working on ME 7 - 9 or TXE 1, go to Flash Image > ME/TXE Region > Configuration > Features Supported and set "Intel (R) Anti-Theft Technology Permanently Disabled? " to "Yes". Intel Anti-Theft Technology has been EOL since January 2015 and can cause issues if left activated nowadays.

Just saw that on the clean ME stuff forum. I suppose it is why you have disable Intel Anti-Theft.

Still, why this :
Provisioning Mode: Unknown

And not this :
Provisioning Mode: PKI

And finally, any advantage to enable the Standard Manageability and the Active Management Technology?
AMT is like an IPMI to manage the computer remotely, exact?

Ok. I enabled all the vPro feature for fun. Can you confir what I did is OK ? (Look a screenshot).
The "Flash Image Tool" looks fun, when you know how to use it.

BTW, can you explain me what you did to fix my problem?

A25 - JpLague - Repaired - Made by Lost_N_Bios - Forced (5.24 MB)

MEINFO-NewBios.TXT (11.6 KB)

MEINFO-OldBios.txt (11.8 KB)

2020-01-20 21_49_02-Untitled.xml - Flash Image Tool

A25 - JpLague - Repaired - Made by Lost_N_Bios - Forced Reflash - (5.24 MB)

@anarethos - Anti-Theft is antiquated now, thus disabled >> Yes, per the line 4 you quoted above

Great to see all is working now, so I don’t need Gillham’s BIOS at all anymore, so you can ignore that PM reply
Seems your ME FW in dump was Ok enough for me to use as settings base in the rebuild, so we don’t need his BIOS.

Provisioning, I do not know, only plutomaniac could answer that and he’s not available here full time right now.

Sorry, no, I can’t confirm what you did is OK or not, I can only do that for you myself (or not). I am not a pro ME person, so I can’t check if things people do with ME are OK or not, I only know to do them myself then I know it would be OK.

To fix your BIOS I simply compiled the two dumps you sent, then using clean ME FW RGN (Latest available in repo = and reworked your ME using the guide, then split the file once done and sent it back to you.
Nothing special done here at all. So your BIOS was fine as-is, only messed up ME FW. And sorry, I just realized I meant to unlock your FD before I sent you the BIOS and didn’t do that

Good! I will remove his file from my server then.

I think it has to do with the way the ME configuration was made. PKI means Private Key Infrastructure probably. Maybe this means the new settings are not "signed" but who cares.

I understand. Anyhow, it works with my modification. If I have any problem I can always roll back to the one you made (and that I reupgraded).

So basically, you extracted my ME settings from my dump, replace the ME FW with a "clean" one and then reapplied my settings + removing Intel Anti-theft ?

No problem. I don’t see the point anyway, since I am 100% sure Dell will not make another bios upgrade for this computer and there is no settings I want to play with that I didn’t already changed.

Also, I would like to thank you (@Lost_N_BIOS ) and @gillham. With you help, my computer is back again. And now I know how to use a programmer to extract a BIOS, merge it, edit it with UEFITool and Intel Flash Tool, modify some settings, split back the BIOS and reprogram.
I know nothing on that 2 weeks ago.

Yes, it may be some sign Key, I am not sure. I would assume the guide would cover that, and I would have copied over if it was in your original, but maybe I missed it?
I will recheck now to be sure, but I assume if it was there I would have seen it missing in my before/after XML compare at the end. I checked guide, and nothing there for “keys” for anything on V7, so I doubt this is something we would be redoing via the cleanup guide or he would have it in there.
Once he’s back around full time again we can ask and see, I’m sure he will be able to help he is ME FW Pro!!

It may just be something you need to re-issue some command to ME FW via cmd line, or issue >> FPTw.exe -greset if you have not already
That may fix it, be ready for auto-reboot when you do that. If it does not auto-reboot, shut down, remove main power cable from wall, press and hold the case power on button for 10-20 seconds, then let site for 1+ minute without power, then reboot and check again.

I did it exactly how I outlined in the quote you grabbed. Yes, in a “general” sense, but it isn’t done exactly how you described it, it’s done with Intel FITc tool and the guided method. If you absorbed the guide, and or have used it before, then yes, it’s done that way

You’re very welcome, thank you too for putting up with my delays!
It’s great you have learned some too, now you have much better chance to learn more as you do more, and be able to more quick recover failed BIOS on other boards in the future

I have a problem I think similar my dell latitude E6410 does NOT reboot. The padlock lights flash, so no updating is possible. could someone follow me in the update phases from dos ?? I use rufus to create a USB key. I should download FPT tool (where?) and AFTER finding a .bin file for my model to flash.