Dell XPS 9550 Noob question for Bios Flash first time

First of all hello to all users and sorry for possible language mistakes as English is not my first language.

I have bricked my laptop but learning from mistakes and as many before me after reading days after days on internet all results lead me to this forum, and reached to conclusion that my Bios needs to be re-programmed.
Bought CH341A Flash Programmer with SOP8 Test Clip and read all relevant topics such as how to program/install and other similar to my model :
win-raid. com/t5727f16-DELL-XPS-BIOS-MOD-REQUEST .html
or this:
.win-raid. com/t8005f16-Dell-XPS-Intel-ME-Cleaner-Problem .html

My journey started because I was trying to make my laptop stop heating so much, but my problems started the moment I installed ThrottleStop(small program used to undervolt CPU) all worked great at beginning but after a Bios update to the latest pack, ThrottleStop could not undervolt anymore thanks to Intel and OEMs( sorry cant provide links yet), at that point my laptop was hitting again 100 degrees and after reading relevant forums realized that I need to downgrade the Bios; so basically this is what Iwe done:

-Initial working laptop had ThrottleStop functional and Bios version I think it was 1.13.( Jan 2020)
-Then updated to latest 1.14.0(Oct 2020) and at this point ThrottleStop stopped working( no undervolt possible anymore) but laptop worked fine and bios flash was successfully.
-Again after reading forums I had to downgrade Bios to get ThrottleStop to work again and stop heating issue, I used Bios 1.12.0(Nov 2019) but failed at that point and when flashing process i remember I got an error regarding “ME”, laptop restarted working normal, surprising ThrottleStop worked again! All good.
- My stupid mistake was that I did not checked what Bios version I had on my laptop after failed flash, I was happy ThrottleStop was working and stopped heat issue, probably Bios flashed old version but incomplete, or reverted back again incomplete.
- Laptop was working normal and ThrottleStop but 2 weeks later needed new windows 10 to be installed . Made my USB and after inserting the stick it couldnt be recognized with F12 so I switched to Bios Legacy(stupid mistake after reading horrors story), and it booted but couldn't find a image of my windows, so I restarted laptop and wanted to make another USB thinking something is wrong but from that point I changed to Legacy never managed to turn it back on into Bios or Windows, black screen only.<br /><br />Reading again a lot, I did the usual tips and tricks from internet, removed dozen of times battery power, rested CMOS, tried without SSD , switched memory, made USB Bios... absolute everything tried, but nothing works to get my Bios back.<br />Hopefully I manage to write the chip again as this is my last resort, Dell wont help me and another mother board is out of discussion as I can not afford it.

Now as is my first time doing this Im totally noob and you may see some stupid questions if you decide to help me, from what Iwe understand the correct procedure for this type of work for my model is:
-Read Bios chip using CH341A Programmer using the clip provided and for FV chip use 1.18 version CH341A software, or use ASProgrammer 1.41
-After saving the files bios files need to save all serials using f4editor.
-Then get a bios dump(found some on the above topics) and replace serials using Hex.
-Then erase the chip and flash with new modified bios.

Now first question. Where is my Bios chip located? - I know, stupid question and possible more to follow…but please don`t tell me that I should not do this job…
Problem is that looking at the motherboard I found 3 chips all looking the same but different locations so I was wondering which is the right one, the bricked one, I attached pictures for these. Personally I believe is Winbond 25Q128FVSQ (no1)
but asking this to be sure I do not make any stupid mistakes.
Chip no1 reads: Winbond 25Q128FVSQ
Chip no2 reads: Winbond 25Q8QDVS1G
Chip no3 reads: Winbond 25Q32FVS1Q

So starting with this any other recommendations before I start? Are the process steps correct? And if anyone willing to help just let me know what details do you need from me to provide.
Thanks in advance

All three chips.jpg

Chip no1.jpg

Chip no2.jpg

Chip no3.jpg


Hi there, first of all I want to thank you to all users from here who posted tutorials and shared their solutions.
I successfully repaired my bricked Bios , of course Winbond 25Q128FVSQ was the right one, and more than that kept my serials by mistake:) Here is how I done it:

- Did dozens of reads after clearing CMOS, or no devices attached and all with different programs or versions, dumps were different when compared and all failed to verify, in all these 100s of reads only once I have successfully had a read and verify with version 1.18Programmer and when saw that I entered Colibri programmer, erased all and flashed a version posted on Badcaps , i can not post links but is called XPS_9550_1.11.2

-Mention that all programs worked, detected the chip using CH341A Flash Programmer with SOP8 Test Clip and no main power attached or battery, just to mention that on the second laptop used for these process I had connected CH341A on USB3 and laptop was on charger all the time.

-So flashed that successfully but failed on verify step after flash, decided to turn my laptop on anyway and I had no signs of life at all, the keyboard was not even lighting anymore! so I did CMOS reset and after that I again try to power on, nothing again. At that point I was sure I had bricked my laptop but I couldnt give up that easily so I inserted my USB recovery stick created( I downloaded last Bios from Dell copy that to USB stick 1GB, then renamed image to BIOS_IMG.rcv ) and holding Ctrl + Esc buttons plugged my main power in and heard fans spinning and 3 amber + 1 white flashed on my Led, error regarding time reset but at this point sawing sign of life I repeated this step again .<br /><br />- So inserted Bios USB recovery stick, no battery connected to laptop, while holding Ctrl + Esc buttons plugged my charger in and at this time I had image , my laptop entered in Dell recovery screen from USB stick after flashing that Bios.<br /><br />- I then was prompted with an error that there is not sufficient power related to my battery, I was scared to turn of my laptop and plug in the battery I was spending weeks trying to turn machine on.... well inserted the battery while working, nothing damaged and on Dell recovery Bios i then could hit next button and continued to flash the Bios.<br /><br />-Bios flashed successfully and laptop worked normally, old windows didnt work anymore but then I gone into the Setup Bios and reset that to defaults and installed my new windows without any problems.
-Just another mention is that in Bios I have my Tag asset number untouched, and I believe this is because after flashing bios image with CH341A by mistake I did USB flash recovery that could not have been done before on my bricked Bios.
Probably someone could have modify my bios NVRAM and change settings to default and I could have flash that file to get my laptop to work but since no one replied to my post I did what I thought is best and dosent matter as I got a working laptop now.<br /><br />Note: Today decided to give my Bios another read to save a good version of working Bios used again CH341A and different software's but after the process my laptop wouldnt start again! Did a reset again, removed all devices and CMOS battery and after several attempts of it botted but this was scary.
Can anyone explain why this happened, why after using CH341A even for just reads laptop dosen`t start? is this because I have a bad Bios flashed , i must remember you that verify process failed on all steps with all software versions.

You can’t mod the bios bios in anytime 'cause the bios had bootgurad.When flashing the modded bios,your machine would get brick.