The programmer I have is a very old one, generic based on the Propic 2 schematics. I do not think it will work to flash the Winbond SPI.
It was more of a hope that it will load this 1033 OROM and that it will load it before 1038. It still doesn’t rules out 1038 as incompatible. It is basically our primarily lead. If image1 had the original autoload + loader and fw which have been tested as working, only BIOS was the untested part. A smaller suspect could have been the combination between older Autoload and newer BIOS + FW, but I have seen before these strange combination in Marvell images. Another weird hypothesis would be that the actual controller has 9123 ID hard-coded, despite being labeled as 9128.
Wait for Asrock, maybe they will do another miracle. If not, search for a good service with an adequate price that does BIOS chip re-programming and point them to the Marvell/Winbond chip. They will have the needed tools, all it needs is a 512KB image.
Finally ASRock provided me with two files, which I attach.
One is a driver (I am not sure why they have provided it), the other includes the flashing tool with a file that apparently is the right image for the onboard controller.
They still did not provided me with the full 512kb image for flashing with a external programmer.
I will try at home the included flasher, although I have the feeling that it will fail as the others did, as the onboard controller was not recognized by the mvf_mag.exe tool (I will try as it may be an updated/modded version).
I will really appreciate if you could compare the contents of the provided file (versions) as compared to the ones I flashed.
Will it be possible to convert this image into a full 512 kb file for external flashing?
In any case, I will ask ASRock for a proper full flash dump.
Many thanks! (1.55 MB)
SP1813_9128CpuAHCI.RAR (353 KB)
It was a good thing to write to Asrock, after all!
They provided a new image and a new mvf_mag. So you should try the DOS method again, at least the get the version of this new flasher. But the image is more important:
- image is, confirmed by the tag SP1813.
- it has a new autoload, or 200061D. It also has a spare or 2000623, not used unfortunately. All with 9123 ID.
- the loader is newer, but they haven’t used a proper tagging for 91xx, so they all have the version 2010001 or
- the BIOS is still, but with 9123 ID.
- the firmware is upgraded to or (20-09-2012 11:02:34)
The package is from 20-09-2012, so Marvell fixed some bugs internally, but they “forgot” to provide the update to users. Your luck was with Asrock being most helpful.
My recommendation for you is still to use the backup image you have for service programming. You can then use the flasher to upgrade from DOS. I have uploaded a 512KB image, built from the one you uploaded, but I have added the ending bytes from your previous bin image. I still think those are just logging or something similar and harmless, but I can’t be 100% sure. Choose wisely!
Do you want a new image built with these new components?
gaudi IMAG_new.rar (117 KB)
I can confirm that the included flash tool version v1.0.0.2461 does not recognize the controller.
I have ran out of options, so I will need to resort to the external programmer. It costs me about 40% of the price of a programmer to do the flashing, but still I will need a hot air solder station to be able to remove the chip from the mainboard (included in the flash price).
That is why I requested ASRock for the proper flash image, to not risk paying the price and end up with the same problem.
Will you suggest to flash the original backup and then upgrade using the Marvell flasher app provided by Marvell?
Thanks once more.
I have received an answer from ASRock today.
Apparently there is nothing else I can do but to reflash the backup image and then use the ASRock provided tool to update the firmware to the latest version.
As a last resort I have requested them if there is any other troubleshooting actions I can take.
It is a PITA that I will need to take my computer apart and unmount the motherboard, as the technician mentioned that he will not be able to work on it inside the case.
Also, I may need to take all the components with me to verify the correct operation after the flash just in case it goes wrong, and if so, try with a different image.
Thanks for your help and will keep you informed.
There is no safer way than to use the programmer with your old backup/original image and then to upgrade using the Marvell flasher with SP1813 image. This way you flash only untouched+tested images, but you also have the latest components. If this doesn’t solve your current problem and also the initial one with boot vs RAID, then you can sue Marvell for selling half-baked products.
Asrock is only half right in their answer. It is true that they are not responsible for a bad flash resulted from a custom user-made image, also true that they provided an image tested in normal conditions. They have been truly helpful when they could have just blame you and remind you the warranty terms. But they are wrong in the sense that many users have reported a bad flash with original images. If only Marvell had implemented a better flasher with proper checks and keeping the original ID.
That support technician should have used “go -r” to dump his current image and send you that instead of a picture, but you already have a working image from a similar board, so no need to press them further. You never know when you might need them for something else, so don’t go overboard.
Thanks for your advice. I have sent them about half an hour ago a request for the dumped image using the tool (go.bat -r).
Looking again at the flash chip picture I have noticed what seems to be holes for a SOIC8 socket.
I have then also asked them if I may mount such a socket, or if those contacts/holes may be used for In-System Programming.
I wouldn’t not like to go overboard as you mentioned, so that will be it.
Will keep you updated.
@Gaudi ,
Where are you located ? I may be able to help you with my programmer, if of course the cost for sending me the chip is comparably lower to the cost of the flashing-service you have found and if you know how to unsolder the IC.
Thanks for the offering. I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. That is why it gets very difficult to get the proper tools at a reasonable price, as now for purchasing stuff abroad we have a 3 month delay, we need to pay 50% taxes, and we can only buy two items a year.
In any case, I do not have the proper equipment for desoldering (hot air solder station; I may try a copper solder wick, but I will have a very hard time trying to resolder using the standard soldering iron I have), so either I will have to get one of those or have it done for me.
Where are you from?
If you live in the US or Europe, I may buy a spare new chip and have it sent to you for flashing, and then you could mail it back to me using standard mail (I will pay the cost with PayPal).
Also, I have found some sockets for SOIC8 chips (…rcuit.2C_8_pins) that may be a good idea to mount on the board.
I have yet to find a place that sells them in 1 or 2 qty at a reasonable price. If I read correctly, those chips can be hot swapped, so if I get one working I may use the motherboard for flashing a different version keeping the original working one as a backup.
I live in Athens, Greece. I can do as you wish, whatever is less cost for you.
Also,I believe i know ( from forums , not personally) an expert overclocker nicknamed hersounds ( hwbot, twitter ) from your location.
I believe he has knowledge of modding, if i am not mistaken. You can give it a shot.
You could ask him as closest to you, keeping me as a distant alternative. If you send me something and if the ic is compatible with my programmer, i’d be glad to help.
Be careful with soldering though, don’t use too much heat and use proper technique.
As for the SPI SOIC sockets, i talked with Garth from He has decent prices and maybe he offers better shipping to your country than mine. Here’s the link.
An alternative would be to find the DIP-8 equivalent chip of yours and get a DIp-8 socket for your board. This has the advantage of being able to remove/replace without unsoldering.
I have checked with ASRock if upon removal of the SOIC chip the other visible holes can be used for mounting a DIP8 socket. I can then order a equivalent chip and I will have the chance to remove on demand. If so, I may be able to do it myself, as the DIP8 socket is easy to solder, and there is a variant of the chip in that form factor Winbond W25X40BVDAG. The W25X40BV is a decommercialized product, and it seems that the direct replacement is the new W25X40CL line.
I have checked with Digikey, and they pointed me to the supposedly replacement for this chip: W25X40CLDAIG.
Some local service mentioned that usually the MB manufacturers design the boards accounting for availability in the shipping of the components, so I am almost sure that the header shown in the picture I posted can be used to mount a DIP8 socket.
I am excited with this option: remove the SOIC8 chip, solder a DIP8 socket and plug an appropriate chip.
I still need to find a supplier for the chip. I have checked locally and no one seems to have it.
Has anyone in the forum any supplier that may sell one of those. I will be eager to pay him/her the cost + shipping.
Thanks again.
Did you check on ebay ?
I did, and the search result came empty.
I have found that Digikey does carry the SOIC8 version and an adapter for DIP8, but shipping outside the US is quite expensive (~USD 40.- abroad vs. ~ USD 3.50.- in the USA).
Will keep searching.
I found the original IC for you :…d=p2045573.m339
If you decide to use the DIP-8 with the DIP socket version, please do not hesitate to ask
Thanks for the heads up on the eBay item. I may have mistyped the code (the price for this is quite convenient:…=item2a29fad522)
I could not find the DIP8 version, not for the original one nor the updated model W25X40CL.
I have checked with the Electronics lab in the university where I have studied (I am a Chemical Engineer) and they confirmed me that they do have a hot air solder station. But they do not have any updated programmer. The one they have may not be capable of flashing the Winbond chip.
So this is my idea, how about buying one of these EEPROMs and have them sent to your address, you may program it with the proper image and mail it to me.
Have you got any idea on how much would it be to mail it to Argentina?
I am still looking for some option to flash it locally. It is a good news that I may be able to desolder the chip myself. If only I could find the DIP version…
PS: Is there any other member that may be able to do the flashing and mail the chip here? Perhaps @lordkag ?
I don’t know exactly about Argentina, but i’ve sent about a year ago a normal small package with Greek Postal Service ( a 2.5" SSD without packaging in bubble wrap-ed envelope ) for 7€. This service was signed-for and delivery confirmation.
I guess the same prices exist now. Today i sent an original-packed 29" monitor to another part of Greece, signed-for with €8.60.
A dip equivalent of the chip is the following :…=item3f2b41a46b
I also believe that the following is also right for the job.…=item2c77e974f6
The choice is yours, i remain available for what i offered before.
P.S. Did you try to contact hernan ?
I am not an expert on ICs. I have been told that the replacement for the 25X40BV is the 25X40CL. I have taken a look at the PI sheets and could not make the difference between these two. Can you confirm both are interchangeable?
Having the chance to solder a DIP socket will be great in case the flash does not go as expected, as I may be able to remove the chip and flash it agan (provided I get someone to do it locally).
I sent Hernan a private message in some forum, but got no reply. Have you got his email address you may share on a PM?
Thanks again!
I believe the 25X has been firtsly in “A” version, then “B” and now “C”.
The C version , as you say the 25X40CL is not in my programmer’s availability list. I think that they don’t have much differences, maybe the newer is faster or is created in smaller manufacturing process, i don’t know.
25X40BVSIG works for sure with my programmer, i used one to restore my Marvell PCI-E Controller, getting the new one won’t help much i believe, either in compatibility or price.
I can sent hernan a pm over at XS, but i don’t have facebook account, you could send him a pm there maybe ?
P.S. : You can get any of the above DIP-8 IC’s ( 25X40AVAIZ, 25L4005 ) and also a socket like the following, to convrt in DIP format :…=item27ca3cd79a…=item417c6e26f6