Using UBU 1.80.b1
It opens and reads… the mcodes are automatically extracted to the “Extracted” folder on UBU root.
Oh boy. Thank you very much for clearing that out!
Didnt notice it. 3 years ago you had to manually extract it. Yikes!
Thanks for the info. The MCs are indeed in the “Extracted” Folder.
Ive read here and there that the exchange of the MCode doesnt work on some boards / Bios versions.
Is this also an issue on the said Apex Encore?
Too modern bios/mcu structure, for relying on UBU dependencies (old “leaked” AMI tools and private UEFI tool project)… besides the great tool and developer dedication, but i do suggest to try the various options presented and compare them, especially the offsets.
Still you have the USB BFB feature so no big deal some try outs.
Does tool work for removing Asrock Secure Flash check with newer motherboards? Amd 550/650, Intel 660/760?
I tried patch on a 760 and it looks like same changes as on the X470 post, but tool warns it does not work on amd400+/Intel300+
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The currently latest UBU tool works with modern mainboards, but does not yet offer the option to remove the ASRock Secure BIOS Flash check.
Ok, thanks. Too bad Asrock put lock on BIOS
Hello, I’ve been trying to remove secure flash for a few hours, and I found the guide about how to use Ubu and all the important stuff, but whenever I use Ubu to remove the secure flash, I get the secure flash check fail. I have an ASRock B450M AC/R 2.0, which is pretty old, and I’ve just been trying for around 5 hours, and I just couldn’t get anything to work. This is the only forum I found that even actually talks about secure flash.
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The UBU tool has been designed for users, who want to modify a mainboard BIOS, but not for those, who want to get a modified BIOS properly flashed.
Please do a look into the start post of >this< better matching thread.
The MCE output is missing again in 1.80.b1
Have checked Python and all is up to date?
Edit: NVM I used the old patch and it seems to work, cheers.
A post was merged into an existing topic: MC Extractor: Intel, AMD, VIA & Freescale Microcode Extraction Tool Discussion
What you did exactly?
Used latest download and patched with
Latest my edition UBU_1_79_alt. It has any errors.
Can someone to mod my bios with UBU;
MSI Mag B550 Tomahawk [bios 7C91vAH or 7C91vAI1(Beta version)]
Why cant you… you’ve been around in this forum for a while, surely you know the UBU tool and the mb has Bios Flash Back.
Because I can’ t update the AMD cpu microcode in no way.
To be able to help you, whe need more information about what you have done and what happened.
Please post the related UBU screenshots of the task 5 (“CPU MicroCode”).