[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions

Thank you for this RaidExpert2 v9.3.0-00158 version, it works in my ASUS STRIX X570-E, previous NVMe RAID setup recognized, no need to setup a new one, but I did a new one for other motives with the new driver v9.3.0-00158.

Yes, first time setting up the RAID is not easy mainly because in my case I had my OS install with some drivers integrated being the Samsung NVMe driver one of them and it was conflicting with the RAID, having the “Inaccessable boot device” BSOD every time, once I created a new OS install only with RAID drivers integrated no more BSOD. The only problem I found in creating an INTEL RAID system was the fact I had to physically remove my RAID SATA drivers every time I flashed a new BIOS, they go “offline”.

Thanks for the info and nice testing results.

I have been trying to enable AMD PBS (bifurcation) menu on my board but with no success >this< method does not work because AMITSE has no code for searching and replacement. As @KedarWolf suggested I ask to the guy who modded his BIOS for help but I got no answer, so any help about modding this kind of BIOSes it is very welcome and appreciated. Thank you.

@aGeoM :

I cannot confirm this. My Intel RAID array was still present after having flashed a new or freshly modded BIOS. You may have forgotten to set the Intel SATA Controller to "RAID" mode after having flashed the BIOS.

@aGeoM - I’ll check it out for you, right away I see two AMITSE, in case you didn’t notice this. Can you see CBS already in this BIOS, for reference?
It may need added into AMITSE instead of zero’d out, some BIOS AMITSE have visible and several blocked lists, and when you edited others to zero out you may have been removing from a block list, and in this BIOS it may need added to a visible list instead
By searching 4A 10 59 7B 0D C0 58 41 87 FF F0 4D 63 96 A9 15 you can find all lists, and then by looking at those vs BIOS you can usually figure out which is visible and which is hidden lists.
There may also be short visible or hidden lists, using only formID in little Endian, in those you will see several formID’s in a row (I see this at 184410 and 183DB0 in both AMITSE BODY)
Anyway, tonight when I have more time I will dig into this for you

@aGeoM :

The guy that unlocked the MSI BIOS on overclock.net is currently moving into a new house and very busy. Knowing this, I offered to PayPal him $20 USD and he modded my MSI X570 Godlike BIOS for me, working perfectly, well, except saving my BIOS settings to Profile 2 does not keep, others work though.

@Lost_N_BIOS is awesome though, has helped me a ton here, I’m quite sure he’ll get it working for you. brb, I showed you what’s unlocked on my BIOS.
AMD CBS and AMD PBS unlocked and all the sub menus as well.


EDIT by Fernando: To save space I have replaced the fully quoted off-topic post by directly addressing and replaced the big sized off-topic image by an attachement.

@Fernando @Lost_N_BIOS @aGeoM @KedarWolf

Thank you for the offer. The PBS and CBS functions (ie PCIe bifurcation) come straight out of the box with the stock bios with the entire ROG Zenith Extreme line up. I knew however that such a feature doesn’t always make it into the rest of the product stack, so may be a desirable feature for those who purchased something less than “bleeding edge.”

For movie, video, film, photography PCIe bifurcation is pretty much a “must have” feature for editing in a timely fashion.
So for those who don’t have exorbitant budgets but perhaps video editing interests this might be a truly useful feature to "hack in"
with some of @Lost_N_BIOS 's skill set!


Nice to see you’ve got the PBS/CBS features up and running.



Here is one of the available BIOSes for the B550. From ASRock.


Guys, is there anyone who has kept an archive of old UBU versions? I’m looking for versions 1.27 (?) - 1.60 from 2015-2016.

I did not forget do enable SATA RAID, after a BIOS flash if I booted with SATA disks (SSD) connected and enable SATA RAID and on the next boot the RAID is SHOW but the disks are offline so needed to rebuild RAID and lose the system. The board in test was the Rampage IV Extreme. >here< some guys having same problem, any way a managed the “fix” the problems by disconnecting SATA cables, do all steps on BIOS settings and then connecting them.

Yes BIOS have 2 AMITSE modules the first one is for Zen/Zen+Gen (my case 2700X) and the second one for Zen2 Gen. I believe the PBS menu is enable for Gen2 cpus as default. Yeap was my guess adding it anywhere, but I do not now where. CBS menu visible at default. Thank you.

I am fowling the thread at OCN, in your motherboard case is relatively simple to enable PBS menu. You can try it on a clean BIOS file and check if you can save on profile 2.

Well I paid a “bleeding edge” price for this board in fact was the most expensive board I have bought and I bought it as open box on Amazon for €300, and I feel that I downgraded from the Crosshair VI in every sense. But I needed to build a system for my youngest daughter so I did swap my son’s STRIX B350 to her and the C6H went to his computer. I do not use to complain but I feel ASUS is in “trouble” on support side of things , no BIOS updates on newer boards, when they came they are already out of date, it is a shame.

@plutomaniac Oldest I have:
22.03.2016 20:53 14.613.335 UBU_v1_51.rar
12.04.2016 00:00 5.137.365 UBU151_Upd_4.exe
25.06.2016 16:50 13.717.749 UBU_v1_54_2.rar

@aGeoM :
I reflashed the BIOS on my board’s second BIOS, initially with USB Flashback, then tried within BIOS with M-Flash, the same issue, profiles saved to the second BIOS profile save but on reboot are gone.

Yes these will do, they are within the version range I’m looking for (1.28 beta x - 1.59.1). If you can upload them somewhere then great.

@hancor - thanks for the unintended tip here! I checked your BIOS, and do not see CBS/PBS in AMITSE either, nor in the BIOS generally as a menu/settings thing, but I see bifurcation options like you mention @ Advanced >> Onboard Devices Config. I assume this is what you were referring to, correct?
If yes, these are also in aGeoM's BIOS at same location, need to see if they are hidden from view there or not, if they are then I can unhide easily
If these are not what you mean, please show me image of your BIOS so I can see where you see these and how they look etc - Thanks!

@KedarWolf - MSI BIOS is such a pain sometimes, nice to see that he could add for you like that, in that manner, and at that exact location (need to learn how!)

@aGeoM - For now, below is my related findings as I looked through your BIOS and AMITSE, but due to above I think I will pause until you show me image of your BIOS @ Advanced >> Onboard Devices Config page (if you cannot see this submenu let me know)
In block list / block list area (AMITSE #1 BODY >> 0x181BB0h)

4A 10 59 7B 0D C0 58 41 87 FF F0 4D 63 96 A9 15 10 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Main
4A 10 59 7B 0D C0 58 41 87 FF F0 4D 63 96 A9 15 17 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Chipset
4A 10 59 7B 0D C0 58 41 87 FF F0 4D 63 96 A9 15 1C 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Security
4A 10 59 7B 0D C0 58 41 87 FF F0 4D 63 96 A9 15 1B 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Exit
55 C8 1B 94 7E BF CB 4F 88 2F 7A EA D1 5C 9D 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - ? ^^ All above, known/expected to be here
2E CF 39 5E 12 67 AB 45 84 C4 35 D3 C6 A3 68 6D = 668706B2-BCFC-4AD4-A185-75E79F3FE169 / NVMe controller and Drive information

71 99 03 93 45 85 04 4B B4 5E 32 EB 83 26 04 0E = C74F06D2-ED92-489B-879C-C0E428A22167 / RAIDXpert2 Configuration Utility
0C C2 2F F2 F4 8C EB 45 8E 06 AD 4E 50 B9 5D D3 = ?

Both of the above could possibly be CBS/PBS, unsure, or links to them maybe? Or, CBS/PBS simply removed from AMITSE in this BIOS, so instead of 00/FF them out like previous edit method, you'd have to add them in at an allowed and or visible list instead.
I found three CBS modules in this BIOS too. I see no CBS (E3 35 45 B0 04 30 46 49 9E B7 14 94 28 98 30 53) in AMITSE, so it's not about adding CBS/PBS here then, unless it's referenced in some other way in AMITSE than we previously know.

Anyway, at the above menu location which I ask you to see image of, you have bifurcation options there, so if that is your main goal for PBS visible access, then we can make this visible for you instead
Never mind, well still show me this, but I just realized there is not bifurcation setting there only options to set lane width or RAID mode per slot I need to see what Hancor see's in his BIOS, maybe then I can do something here.
I don't work a lot with AMD BIOS, but I do work often with AMI BIOS, so I can manipulate AMI BIOS fairly well, but CBS/PBS is often tricky for me due to how it's implemented into the menu (ie I mainly knew the method you linked for this)

@ket may be able to better help you find a way to make PBS visible in your Asus ROG-STRIX-X570-E-GAMING BIOS ?

I will do a request post to avoid off topic things. Thank you very much.

@aGeoM - I did that before Fernando got on us about it And because it was an especially longer reply, didn’t want to take up huge space with that coding etc
For now, I cannot do anything until I hear back from hancor about what I asked above, and in the end it may be ket will have to help you on this or maybe the guy over at OCN KedarWolf mentioned.

@plutomaniac @SoniX

UBU Archives

If either of you do not want this to be publicly shared let me know and I’ll take it down.


Cool! Thank. :)))


I can fool you a couple of old archives.

@chinobino :
Thank you for having uploaded such a big amount of old UBU versions (I wonder, for which purpose they were requested).

To avoid a second problem with AMI please delete the various AMI Aptio UEFI MMTool versions, which are within your uploaded UBU versions. As you surely know, they are neither free of charge nor offered by AMI for users.
Thanks in advance!

@Fernando As requested & to avoid DMCA take down all UBU archives containing AMI Aptio UEFI MMTool have now been modified and no longer contain the AMI software.

So far what I have:












Thank you very much N6O7, chinobino, lfb6 & SoniX for your help.

The reason I’m asking for these specific old UBU versions has to do with the fact that back in 2015 to mid-2016 I was not keeping the source code of ME Analyzer (foolish), and I’ve wanted for a few years now to get as much of it back via the executables that I had created at the time. It’s not in any way important for modern ME Analyzer, only for sentimental reasons. I started keeping the source code from mid-2016 so I’m looking for any executables before that. UBU included MEA in v1.28 (I think) and the last non open source MEA was included in UBU 1.59.1 (anything before 1.60).

Now that I see that people have kept all these versions, maybe a repository of older UBU versions can be created because SoniX lost his archive from a hard drive crash a few years ago. Of course with all MMTool removed. Good idea?

@ N6O7:

Based on versions and/or date, I think these will contain old MEA executables for me to recover:
