[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions

I went through the archive. All files retrieved from HP devices. Also, in this archive, there are files not for the built-in GPU, but for the external GPU, and also have the HP label.
I have already informed that it is highly undesirable to use such files for other devices. Since they can be, and it is very likely, they are customized for specific devices.
Therefore, I am not adding them.


From all your messages, I understood only one thing - I did not understand anything.

But I can answer something.
1) VIOS AMD and nVidia for external GPUs in mobile devices are practically not available in the public domain. You cannot take a similar V BIOS from another device and start using it. They are configured for each card as in conventional video cards
2) Your actions with the backup are understandable. I didn’t even attach a file with a lot of Parser warnings.
3) The order of the microcodes is not critical. They are read at the specified addresses in the FIT.
4) Your OROM LAN v1.0.0.8a(b) == v2.1.1.5.
This is one and the same file, only the messages for the screen have been altered and the version has been twisted.

In all other respects, you have an ordinary regular BIOS, nothing supernatural.

@SoniX thanks for the reply, I already successfully flashed the modded bios I made and attached. Maybe I will report the results if anyone with the same laptop as mine wants to flash it, it is totally safe

I just though as no one wished me luck so no one will care about me bricking my laptop

I am not sure if it is the reason, but MSI dragon center is not detecting my CPU anymore, I can’t see the clock nor I can overclock my CPU using MSI dragon Center (the option for overclocking just disappeared in MSI dragon Center). I never did anyway, I always use Intel XTU, but maybe the order prevents MSI dragon Center from detecting the CPU. Still it shows me the temperature of the CPU and the correct model model


The overclocking capability can be limited or disabled in the microcode itself. Therefore, you need to select a microcdo that allows you to overclock the system. Older versions are often installed.
Also, the manufacturer can disable the overclocking option in the BIOS itself (delete or hide the necessary menu items), very often this happens in new firmware versions. Then a rollback is made or an attempt is made to enable these menu items.

In general, sometimes it’s worth thinking about whether these updates are needed and then it gets down to business.

@SoniX I still can overclock using Intel XTU, and the official bios from MSI allows me to overclock, all option are available in the official bios from MSI.

I never though the loaded Microcode will affect it, cause windows keeps updating Intel’s microcode, and the loaded microcode will keep changing.

Just one annoying thing is that using the new microcode, my CPU is now always between 3.3 - 3.9 GHz even on IDL, it is faster but may overheat my CPU, before the clock on IDLE will go down to 1 GHz.

I should have said my CPU is Intel I7 7820HK

I found out why MSI dragon Center is not detecting my CPU anymore, cause marketing model in the bios is now gone, now it said please select the marketing model of your laptop or something like that, it is grayed out though I can’t change it.

Gotta check it out later, or maybe MSI has a signature for its model

@jen11 - This dragon/CPU issue is probably due to incorrect ucode edit, missing/added padding, or FIT table not fixed after ucode update. This is a common issue, both things mentioned, and can cause failure to load microcode properly (so windows one would be used instead)
Please zip for me in a single zip you before base BIOS and your after mod BIOS, I will check and fix for you as needed.
On your CPU speed issue, sounds like you want to enable speedstep, EIST, C1E etc, and have those disabled now, but this may also be due to what I mentioned above, and incorrect/non-load of microcode due to that.
If you insert into BIOS a newer microcode than the one windows wants to use, then that one will be used, unless not inserted into BIOS properly.
You can also disable windows loading of microcode via this method, if you wanted

@Lost_N_BIOS I can assure 100% it is the marketing model, there is another laptop the same as my model except another brand, dragon center won’t work on it, but once flashing MSI bios and the marketing model is MSI GT83VR Dragon center will work on that model … here is the link http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/…9#post-10933980

Intel XTU still can see my CPU and overclock it

My CPU microcode are ok and loaded into the bios and I can see the correct revision number, the CPU speed may touch 3GHz but not less, it is still not static though. If I want it always at high speed I will chose high performance profile, choosing economy profile will get it down to 1GHz but it will be all the time @1GHZ and it is so slow.

I will check if there are options for speedstep in bios still I think it is enabled cause it is dynamic and keeps changing, but not less than 3GHz most of the time between 3.3 and 3.6 GHz

@jen11 - Yes, but it (software, Dragon) was working for you before, correct? XTU seeing and OC your CPU has nothing to do with what I mentioned.
So, you see in BIOS and in HWINFO64, the correct updated microcode version you edited in? If yes, OK, sounds good then! If you need some BIOS setting made “un-gray” for you, so you can select “Marketing Model” give me your mod BIOS and I can do for you
In windows >> Power Plan >> Advanced options, you can set min/max CPU in %, that may need set, choose balanced or power save, etc, and then set advanced options how you want
All this may also be changed by MSI Software, if you’re using that too, or XTU etc. All sounds messy to me, trying to change in BIOS, in Windows, in various software, all the same stuff

Ohh, sorry, I did not see you are crossflashing!! Well of course, if you do not have MSI system, you will need to fix somethings in the BIOS before MSI Software will think it’s MSI (BIOS ID, other strings etc) If all you need is that one setting un-grayed I can do for you easy
Or, if you do have MSI system, but flashed in other BIOS, then you’ll need to edit it to MSI stuff, and if this is the case, you may never get dragon to work because it may have it’s own modules that interact in the BIOS and if this is true they probably cannot easily be inserted into non-MSI BIOS.
All this, best discussed in it’s own thread, if you need me to help you fix stuff like that, or help you to flash back to the proper BIOS etc.

@Lost_N_BIOS it is already on balance the processor power is the default min 5% max 100%

I am an expert, I know all these stuff, it has to do with the microcode

@jen11 - Haha, so confusing!! Do you need that setting (marketing model) un-grayed? If yes, upload your mod BIOS for me and I will make it non-grayed out and selectable for you
Looking at those images in thread you linked, this is just “text” readout of “System specific” info in that BIOS, this is not a setting you can change. So you’d need correct ID’s, system info (ie marketing name) and all that put into BIOS, as I suggested above.
What is your System, MSI or not?? Why are you not using the correct BIOS for this system, if it’s actual MSI system?

@Lost_N_BIOS really thanks, it is the same as I attached here [Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions (90)

the file name is mod_original.bin inside the rar

@jen11 - Thanks, I looked before and did not see attached BIOS where you said “File attached” but that was on page 91 - post 1363
See my edit info above. Haha, I knew when I saw your post the other day, that you just linked, there would be trouble, especially after “Delete ME” and "I always brick my devices"

So, this is your correct system? https://www.msi.com/Laptop/support/GT83VR-7RE-Titan-SLI
If yes, why are you not using it’s correct BIOS? If you are, then how did you flash in your “Mod” BIOS? Did you edit stock BIOS from MSI, and then flash this via FPT or programmer? If yes, this is the issue, it would wipe out all your system specific info (model, serial, UUID, etc)
Do you have FPT or AFU, or ANY software/programmer dump of your BIOS on this system, from BEFORE you did anything? it can be from any software, at any time, old is fine. if you have, please upload for me.

* Edit @jen11 - As suspected - padding file is missing/removed above microcode volume on this edit, you are very lucky it didn’t brick on you!
BIOS should not be used like this, all edits except microcode should be redone on your stock BIOS or original DUMPED BIOS, then give me to and I will do the microcode edit properly for you
This may have nothing to do with your current issues, I’m not mentioning due to that, only that it’s not done correctly and you’re lucky it didn’t brick, and this should be redone properly.

@ Lost_N_BIOS No worries, I will check it out later, I will be busy now on for the next 10 hours,

Really thanks for your help, really appreciated

wish you a nice day

@jen11 - OK, see my edits above. If you want your MSI Marketing name, serial and all that put back, I need dump of your BIOS before you did all this

So that’s why you were having a hard time getting past it. It thinks you are suspicious. Are you using a VPN, Proxy or similar stuff which could trigger the reCAPTCHA bot detection?


No, I do not use VPN, proxy and similar things. Using IE 11 and Mozila 72.0.2. All settings are standard. Router Zyxel Giga 2, a dedicated line without a static address.

Although there was one more thing. The browser IE11 froze, and at that moment I was trying to go here.

In general I am quite possible that there was a glitch on my part. But with pictures, we were unable to select more than 2-3 pictures, as the window with pictures was immediately closed.

I will now put the system on diagnostics. I will clear all cookies and cache.

Mmm, yes that seems like a system specific issue. Try another browser as well because this forum does not seem to work well with IE from past experience. I have tried Chrome and Firefox successfully though. :slight_smile:

@SoniX :

Possible to ADD or REPLACE microcodes w/ UBU, which are missing in the original bios? My first thought was to use the USR_mCode-folder, but it will only use microcodes for cpu-ids that are still in my bios.
Simple copy-paste in hexedit didn’t work, not recognized. No FIT-table because of Aptio 4.


Can I get a BIOS file?