Does Asus P5Q Deluxe EFI BIOS support UEFI Boot?

Hello everyone, I have got P5Q Deluxe MoBo and years later I have realized that there is a beta EFI BIOS specificly for this model. I have got a few questions in this case.

Can we actually install Windows in GPT format since it is basically an older version of UEFI? I think the short version of the question can be “does it actually support UEFI boot?”

Can I add LGA 771 microcodes for my xeon e5440 into that beta efi bios? If yes, how?

Here is the link for the Beta EFI BIOS update.

Thanks for the answers in advance.

Yes, it does support beta UEFI, it uses early iteration of Ami Aptio IV iirc.

Have you update using it? AFAIK u need to use the app called LEPRG.exe to flash it.

Thanks but what I am exactly asking is whether I can install windows 10 in GPT format or not. My keyboard is broken I ordered a new one. I am collecting info until it comes. So I haven’t tried it yet.

it should be possible if the bios support ahci

It worked! I used MMTOOL to insert the microcodes. I also sucecfully completed the UEFI Windows installation (GPT format) But the problem is that. There are some bugs. First and the most important one is memory remapping feature. Even if I enable it, it won’t work. I have got 8GB of ram and it shows only 7GB. Another bug is that the pc doesn’t boot up after restart. when you restart, it will just not boot. You have to press the restart button on the case. But the restart issue for me. I can bare it for the sake of GPT. but ram is a big deal. I need to fix it. There may be a simple modification to fix that. But I need help for this. I will open a topic in request title.

Hello @RecS,

Has the board allocated some memory for video?

in task manager it says harware reserved is 1GB. But I don’t know whether it is for the grapichs card or something else.

In the BIOS setup there is an Advanced > Chipset section

There is the following option. Is it Enabled?

Memory Remap Feature [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the remapping of the overlapped PCI memory
above the total physical memory. Enable this option only when you install
64-bit operating system.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Yes of course it is enabled

There are a few videos on Youtube where people detail some fixes for this.

Good luck