Driver Windows 10 AHCI NVME DRIVER


I’ve a computer laptop Acer Extensa 215-22 and dont find the driver of install Windows 10, dont find any drivers.
Onboard NVME: HFM256GDJTNI-82A0A
CPU INFO: AMD 3020E with Radeon Graphics
This laptop have a chipset amd with lastest controller and dont find any driver.


EDIT by Fernando: This thread has been moved into the better matching “Storage Drivers” Sub-Forum.

U wont find and thats a normal situation, there is no specific driver from SK or Acer to ur model of drive, it use internal universal OS driver from Microsoft.
Its a very common situation in PCIe M.2 SSDs implemented by OEM in their machines.
Whats ur problem with the drive?

@userx87 :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
What do you mean with "AHCI NVMe Driver"? AHCI and NVMe use different data transfer protocols and a need different sort of drivers.
As MeatWar already has explained, Win10 has an in-box MS AHCI and an in-box MS NVMe driver, which do support all AHCI resp. NVMe Controllers. So there is no reason to search for a missing AHCI or NVMe driver.
If you want to know, which NVMe driver your NVMe SSD is currently using, you should run the Device Manager, expand the section "Storage Controllers", do a right-click onto the listed "Standard NVM Express Controller" and choose the options "Properties" > "Driver" > "Driver Details".
Dieter (alias Fernando)


I don’t have never installed Windows, is a new laptop without system.
Can you link many driver to download and put in a USB storage.

In installer mode don’t know the M2, need the driver to identify

@userx87 : There is no need to put any extra driver onto an USB stick, because Win10 has a working NVMe driver on-board. The OS Win10 will correctly identify the NVMe Controller of your NVMe SSD at the beginning of the installation and will use the NVMe driverr, which is part of the OS.

You cannot identify a specific SSD or its NVMe Controller by a driver. If you should not yet know the manufacturer and the exact model name of the NVMe SSD, which is within your laptop, you will be able to find it out after the OS installation by running the Device Manager and expanding the "Disks" section.