Dual Image ROM or messy pile of leftovers?

So AMD released their new Epyc Rome and with these CPUs new 32mb Bios versions were released. And well i don’t really know what happened there… They basically added a 2nd image in the rom with 5 new volumes, the old volumes basically stayed the same but the new volumes have modules for both CPUs in them.

I really want to unlock the CBS Menu again on these images, but well there are now 2 Setups in there and 3 CBS Setups.


Is it possible that for example image 1 is used for Epyc naples and Image 2 for Epyc Rome? The microcode for Naples is for example only found in image 1, and vice versa for Rome. If thats the case is it possible to enter a Setup from image 2 if you’re using image 1, or does it need to be in the same volume with the responsible AMITSE module?

Heres a rom file (edited the 2nd AMITSE, shouldn’t matter for viewing)

So i can confirm now it’s a dual image rom and there is just stuff in the Rome image that is meant for naples. linking between the roms is probably not going to work, so i have to port some modules in the other image.

@barracudax - You may be correct, maybe image one for some setups, and image two for others, or possibly only one image is flashed to board during normal BIOS update procedure depending on what CPU is in there. You’d have to flash it normally, and then dump BIOS to confirm if the last thought there is true or not.
I would edit Setup + AMITSE or AMITSE/Setupdata for both “images”, or you know, do whatever you normally modified but do it for both “Images”. I did not check rom file, only looked as your image and thoughts.

Do you have both CPU types? If yes, I would test flashing BIOS normally, with each CPU in there, and then dump BIOS and see if both “Images” are placed into chip with either CPU in use, or if it’s always only one, or always both etc.

If you are still unsure, haven’t made any progress etc, let me know and I will download and inspect file,

I currently don’t have the right mainboard for it myself and my problem kind of changed. There is a new updated CBS setup in the this image and i would like to port that to a different ROM, or to the 1. image same problem.

I could just exchange the 2 new modules with the old ones (CbsSetupDXE and CbsBaseDXE) and adjust the form string entry in amitse. But there is a change in the menu layout (+1 submenu “folder”). This makes AMIBCP go bonkers when displaying the setup. I know the “layout” data is saved in AMITSESetupData, is there a known way to edit this? Usually anything that changes filesize breaks the modules.

Just asking for the theory, you don’t have to dig through the rom.