Duplicate Ethernet Mac Address from BIOS Flash / NIC doesn't work outside OS

Hey, so I used several laptops of all the same model, and only one of them had a working BIOS. I used the .bin file from the one working laptop onto the other laptop’s BIOS chips not thinking of stuff like Ethernet MAC Addresses. Now I’m having networking issues. What should I do from here? Can I manually change the Ethernet MAC address in the .ROM/.BIN file to another set of characters and it will work? I’ve read somewhere on these forums where it says this will not work, but using the logic where I’ve already altered the Ethernet MAC Address and it seems to still function when there are no duplicates on the network, I would imagine that there should be some way I could change the MAC address… Is there a way to revert or find out what it used to be or what it should be? I flashed the BIOS chip with an EEPROM. Thanks for any advice in advance.

Edit a current SPI dump with UEFItool/HEX editor

EDIT: You have a previous backup/dump before the flash so you have the original data to work with

Now I get no desired boot device when trying to boot from LAN, just adding a little bit more info, The LAN works in Operating system, I just can’t use it outside of Operating system, which I definitely need.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks