Eluktronics Mech 15 G3 bios request for TongFang GM5MPHW (10875H-2070 Super Max-P)user

Hi there,

I have the equivalent Eluktronics Mech 15 G3 TongFang GM5MPHW but bought fro PCSpecialist in UK. Their bios is locked down and sucks. As long as you have an Eluktronics Mech 15 G3 covert gamer with the 2070 Super preferably it will be fully compatible with my TongFang chassis.

I bought some expensive DDR4 3200mhz ram I can’t tune, XTU is driving me nuts, and after watching the review on YT from BOAT he shows the bios and all the things missing on mine are there!

More than happy to send over a cup of coffee or pint of beer for the help, thanks guys and gals!


PS: Also, I’m looking for a 2070 Super 150W vBios, would like to flash it see if chassis can handle it, apparently there is one out there but don’t know the manufacturer, laptop name etc… so that would be a sweet bonus!! :))))


If someone knows of an eluktronics Mech 15 G3 (10875H-RTX Refresh) that could work also as they would simply just need to request it from them, I did but I am not a customer so they refused to share it with me…

Thanks again guys!!