Enable AI Overclock Tuner of Asus P7H55-M/V-P7H55E/DP_MB (AMI Non-UEFI BIOS)


I have a Asus P7H55-M/V-P7H55E/DP_MB it is the OEM version of P7H55-M. The AI Overclock Tuner in this board is missing.
I tried to add it with mmtool (AMIBCP is not compatible as this is non-UEFI AMI BIOS), however I am not sure where’s the location that enable AI overclock tuner. Can someone point me out?

P7H55-M BIOS: https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LG…M-ASUS-1302.zip
P7H55-M/V-P7H55E/DP_MB BIOS: https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/Bareb…P7H55E-0504.zip

It’s not in your BIOS to enable, and you can’t swap in like you imagine. The only way to really do this is to crossflash the other BIOS into your board, and for that you need to make 100% sure your board layout is exact same for best chance of success (Same layout for PCI/PCIE, all USB ports, all same rear I/O outputs etc)
Best tested once you have a hardware flash programmer in hand and backup made of original BIOS and someone checked that to be sure it’s valid dump before you proceed with testing. You need CH341A + a U Type Flat IC Extractor. (price shipped for both on ebay is around $4 total)