EVGA Micro2 X99 MEManuf Test Failed

Last EVGA Micro2 Bios 2.01 information:

Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel(R) ME code versions:

BIOS Version: 2.01
MEBx Version:
Gbe Version: 0.1
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 5
FW Version: H
LMS Version: Not Available
MEI Driver Version:
Wireless Hardware Version: Not Available
Wireless Driver Version: Not Available

FW Capabilities: 0x00100940

Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED

TLS: Disabled
Last ME reset reason: Power up
Local FWUpdate: Enabled
BIOS Config Lock: Disabled
GbE Config Lock: Disabled
Host Read Access to ME: Enabled
Host Write Access to ME: Enabled
SPI Flash ID #1: C22018
SPI Flash ID VSCC #1: 0
SPI Flash BIOS VSCC: 20052005
BIOS boot State: Pre Boot
OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled
OEM Tag: 0x00000000
Localized Language: Unknown
Independent Firmware Recovery: Enabled

MEManuf Information:

Intel(R) MEManuf Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Error 9271: Flash ID 0xC22018 Intel(R) ME VSCC value mismatch
Programmed value of 0x0 doesn’t match the recommended value of 0x2045
See PCH SPI programming Guide for more details

Error 9271: Flash ID 0xC22018 Intel(R) BIOS VSCC value mismatch
Programmed value of 0x20052005 doesn’t match the recommended value of 0x2045
See PCH SPI programming Guide for more details

Error 9296: MEManuf Test Failed

I am using Intel ME System Tools v9.1 r7 tools, I always check before do a firmware update from Original BIOS manufacturer the MEInfo and MEManuf result but this is the first time I got MEManuf test failed with the original manufacturer BIOS

I am trying to do a ME firmware update to Intel ME Firmware v9.1.37.1002 (1.5MB) but first I want to clear up why the MEManuf test is failing with the original BIOS firmware manufacturer


Mauricio Ramirez

Any comments?

Have you changed the SPI chip with which the system originally shipped? If you run Flash Programming Tool with command fptw -d spi.bin, you don’t see any error, right?

Thanks plutomaniac

I did not changed the SPI chip at all, it is a new board that I just bought. I was plannning to do ME firmware update but before I do anything I always run MEinfo and MEManuf first to check that everything is fine. Thats when I got the error. There is anyway to fix it? Why a new board can give that error?


Mauricio Ramirez

You didn’t tell me the result of fptw -d spi.bin command.

The errors you see are not really problems, more like Warnings. EVGA hasn’t configured these properly at the factory for all their systems. You can also try MEManuf -EOL but that probably won’t suppress the errors.

thanks here it is the result of fptw -d of the bios file (.bin)

C:\ME\ME\Flash Programming Tool\WINDOWS64>fptw64 -d 1E095201.bin

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Platform: Intel(R) C610 Series Chipset
Reading HSFSTS register… Flash Descriptor: Valid

— Flash Devices Found —
MX25L12805D ID:0xC22018 Size: 16384KB (131072Kb)

[1E095201.bin] file already exists
Do you want to overwrite file? Y/<N> or q to quit : y

- Reading Flash [0x1000000] 16384KB of 16384KB - 100% complete.
Writing flash contents to file "1E095201.bin"…

Memory Dump Complete
FPT Operation Passed

and here it is the result of MEManuf -EOL as well:

C:\ME\ME\MEManuf\Windows64>MEManufWin64 -EOL

Intel(R) MEManuf Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Error 9311: CF9GR is not locked
Error 9283: Region access permissions don’t match Intel recommended values
Error 9310: Intel(R) ME is still in Manufacturing Mode
Error 9271: Flash Id 0xC22018 Intel(R) BIOS VSCC value mismatch
Programmed value of 0x20052005 doesn’t match the recommended value of 0x2045
See PCH SPI programming Guide for more details

Error 9271: Flash Id 0xC22018 Intel(R) ME VSCC value mismatch
Programmed value of 0x0 doesn’t match the recommended value of 0x2045
See PCH SPI programming Guide for more details

Error 9322: MEManuf End-Of-Line Test Failed

Yes, the extra errors of -EOL are to be expected since EVGA has left the Flash Descriptor Read/Write access unlocked. I believe the VSCC are due to EVGA configurations but just in case, what we can try is to reflash the ME region. The attached file is an updated/cleaned/configured ME region for your system. Flash using Flash Programming Tool with command fptw -f me_fix.bin -me followed by fptw -greset command. After the reset, check if MEInfo shows any red errors, it shouldn’t. Check MEManuf, if the same VSCC error remains, it’s due to EVGA configuration and should be ignored. You can run MEManuf -verbose to see that all the other checks are passed without issues or even edit the configuration file to exclude that check for future reference on that system.

me_fix.rar (1.11 MB)