ASUS TUF Gaming A15 (FA506NF) (2021) Boot splash help

2021 ASUS TUF Gaming A15|Laptops For Gaming|ASUS Global

Overall goal is to mod the bios splash logo image(s) “yes there is more than one for different resolutions, i know right!”

I have opened the bios is UEFITool_NE_A70_win64 and UEFITool_0.28.0_win32, I have located the boot splash logos and modified them but I am unable to flash the modified bios.

I am not sure if this is a check sum issue or the fact that the images are stored in a lzh compressed form, and by replacing them borks something, idk?

it’s been a while since I have messed around with modding a bios splash so I maybe missing something, or am doing something wrong.

I understand there is a possibility this may be impossible with our current tools as uefi tool isn’t really being developed anymore. But if the bios could be modified to show the menu option in the bios to enable or disable the boot splash. I can see there is a menu option to do this by using UEFI Editor to load the SETUP.sct. IFR.txt, AMITSE.sct, and SETUPDATA.bin from the bios, but the option seems to be hidden in the actual bios menu.

Either option will work for me and would be very much appreciated.

also I am wondering if there is a way to disable any bios verification that may be built in to make modding easier. thank in advance to anyone with a much bigger brain than mine that remembers or knows how to mod this newer stuff.

FA506NF.rar (9.0 MB)

Expected, this is modern Aptio V core bioses, so AMI and Asus implemented security will prevent it, after all, you’re trying to flash a “modified” content firmware and these security measure are the counter measure for risk situations of a user machine.
Since this is an AMD platform, flashing by soft using Intel FPT is not possible, so i think in this case it leaves only an SPI IC bios programmer as only option.

UEFI tool is not a tool for direct editing any options/mods… and you got the latest A70 so its not abandonware app…
Know AMI old “leaked” apps that do such work are MMTool and AMIBCP…but they were mostly designed for Aptio IV and not modern Aptio V releases… this is where the alternative project comes in, the UEFI Editor to deal with modern ones.
Post your doubts on GIT or here on this forum, regarding the use of the tool.

You may take a look on this thread also:
[TOOL] UniversalAMDFormBrowser - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum

Wait for other users POV, good luck.

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