Firmware Updates for Samsung M.2/PCIe SSDs (where to get and how to do)

Lol, seemed like a somewhat active thread, until I asked my question :slight_smile:

Hi everyone.
I have a SSD Disk Model: MZVPW256HEGL-00000 with Firmware CXZ7300Q. Is there any newer firmware version for this disk and what vendor I have (DELL/HP, etc.)

Thank you.

CrystalDiskInfo 8.2.0 (C) 2008-2019 hiyohiyo
Crystal Dew World :

OS : Windows 10 Professional [10.0 Build 18362] (x64)
Date : 2019/07/16 12:35:43

Model : SAMSUNG MZVPW256HEGL-00000
Firmware : CXZ7300Q
Serial Number : S346NY0HB41350
Disk Size : 256,0 GB
Buffer Size : Unknown
# of Sectors :
Rotation Rate : ---- (SSD)
Interface : NVM Express
Major Version : NVM Express 1.2
Minor Version :
Transfer Mode : PCIe 3.0 x4 | PCIe 3.0 x4
Power On Hours : 2429 hours
Power On Count : 486 times
Host Reads : 4461 GB
Host Writes : 4759 GB
Temperature : 36 C (96 F)
Health Status : good (100 %)
Features : S.M.A.R.T.
APM Level : ----
AAM Level : ----
Drive Letter : C:

Good afternoon, such a question
There is ssd pm961 SAMSUNG MZVLW128HEGR-000L2, there was firmware 4L1QCXB7, Lenovo (probably), at first I did not find for Lenovo, but I found HP CXB73H1Q from HP, I ran it, it seems to work, but continuing the search, I found a fresh firmware 5L1QCXB7 from Lenovo . but no matter how I tried, I couldn’t get it anymore, authentication from HP interferes
Is it possible to flash it on lenovo? or from HP is a sentence? this link download firmware
help me :frowning:
Now such firmware CXB73H1Q
edit this
"SAMSUNG MZVLW128",“CXB7”,“5L1Q”,“TINYCORE”,“nvmeredrive_v2_2_3_3_x86”,“5L1QCXB7.bin”,“L”,“SAMSUNG”

@vcreatyv : it’s not possible. I’ve spent quite some time on it and it looks like the only solution would be entering some sort of "Safe Mode" or directly JTAG flashing, which involves soldering and there is no public information available on this. Nor am I aware about any success stories so far.

However, this information was already known and you should’ve read my whole post about it (Firmware Updates for Samsung M.2/PCIe SSDs (where to get and how to do) (7)):

That beeing said: I’m running the HP firmware for like 5 months now. Windows 10 and Arch Linux. Absolutely no issues.

Yes, I read your post, just thought something had changed.
As if there are no problems with it, it works, the only thing in the hackintosh is heated a little more than in Windows, but within the normal range (40C-45C)
then it is clear that it is possible to not deal with this issue anymore, the only time it can be, I will write to hp support

Could a kind soul upload CXA7500Q (or newer) firmware for the Samsung SM961 OEM SSD? I have a 1TB SM961 with firmware CXA74H0Q and I think it must be the HP version, as the Lenovo SM961 firmwares have a different naming scheme.

Hello forum.
I have a Nvme Sm951 Model: MZVPV256HDGL-00000 with Firmware BXW74D0Q.

So im trying to update the firmware to BXW75H0Q If there is any newer firmware version I’d like to know plz. so my problem is that when im using FWupdate it finds the drive and proceeded to updating but then says " [ERROR] Provide a proper disk number. check with ‘-L [–list]’ option" .My Disk Number says #2 in Windows manager but in the bat file says “Disk Number: 0:c” so very strange… idk whats going on maybe because im using a pci m.2 adapter but I wouldn’t think that would change the disk number like in such a weird way…

I need assistance, Thank you.

If you download the DC Toolkit from Samsung, you can use it to upgrade the firmware. The SATA tools use drive numbers which are integers whereas the NVME use drive numbers such as #:[a-z]. With this dc toolkit you can use the -L command to see the drives in your system, then you can upload the new firmware to an empty slot and finally commit/activate the firmware in that slot. The good thing is that you can retain your current firmware in the active slot and update this new file into another slot and go back and forth between firmwares. Be sure to upload compatible firmwares only. Just use --help to see available commands.

Thanks alot the ssd toolkit seems way more intuitive but it seems even though BXW75H0Q is the lasted firmware it tells me it "Failed 7h invalid firmware image" even though it is for this drive…how can I force this to update the Nvme.

If you download the DC Toolkit from Samsung, you can use it to upgrade the firmware. The SATA tools use drive numbers which are integers whereas the NVME use drive numbers such as #:[a-z]. With this dc toolkit you can use the -L command to see the drives in your system, then you can upload the new firmware to an empty slot and finally commit/activate the firmware in that slot. The good thing is that you can retain your current firmware in the active slot and update this new file into another slot and go back and forth between firmwares. Be sure to upload compatible firmwares only. Just use --help to see available commands.

Thanks alot the ssd toolkit seems way more intuitive but it seems even though BXW75H0Q is the lasted firmware it tells me it "Failed 7h invalid firmware image" even though it is for this drive…how can I force this to update the Nvme with the dc toolkit I have no clue how to make a command that works to force the update without confirmation…can someone give me a example command


Don’t force it!!! your current fw 74D0Q is Dell whereas the newer one 75H0Q is HP. I had a drive that was Samsung branded (OEM NVME SSD)and then I put a newer Lenovo fw in slot 2 and activated it. It did not get caught by the builtin validity check and now it is bricked :frowning: So don’t crossflash branded firmwares on the Samsung oem nvme SSDs.

Even if you were able to find BXW75D0Q, I googled around and found this problem report (not sure how reliable). So if your SSD works fine, just keep it at its current firmware.…54p5151656.html

Don’t force it!!! your current fw 74D0Q is Dell whereas the newer one 75H0Q is HP. I had a drive that was Samsung branded (OEM NVME SSD)and then I put a newer Lenovo fw in slot 2 and activated it. It did not get caught by the builtin validity check and now it is bricked :frowning: So don’t crossflash branded firmwares on the Samsung oem nvme SSDs.

Even if you were able to find BXW75D0Q, I googled around and found this problem report (not sure how reliable). So if your SSD works fine, just keep it at its current firmware.…54p5151656.html

Okay good thing I was trying to force it but couldn’t get the right command but guess im glad I didnt hahah .Thanks for the heads up and warning they really should say what brand the firmware is for. But why is it if its the same type of drive does the firmware from another company not work? are they made different?

I suspect the hardware is the same of all SM951, whether Dell, HP, Lenovo or Samsung. There must be something in the nand flash config. Or it could be related to the formatting of the data. Perhaps a secure erase followed by a crossflash would work. It is annoying that Lenovo is so much better about releasing OEM SSD firmware updates than other brands or Samsung itself.

Hello everyone!

My first post here…
I was scouring through the topic, but could not find a clear answer to my issue.

I have Del 9575 with 1tb ssd PM981, which, apparently, is not dell-branded. After looking around, i suspect that this is lenovo SSD:

with firmware 4L1QEXA7
The problem is that this firmware, apparently, does not have SED enabled, so no hw based encryption for me.
I’ve checked Lenovo’s latest firmware update utility, and it has the firmware for MZVLBT1T0HALR-000L7 with encryption.
Since, according to PM981 datasheet, L7/L2 etc is something defines the market and initial firmware shipped, i assume, it does not matter in regards of firmware, and tcg opal features are firmware-dependent.
So the question is - is there a way to flash lenovo’s
“SAMSUNG MZVLB1T0HALR-000L7”,“4L2QEXA7”,“5L2QEXA7”,“5L2QEXA7_Noformat_ENC.bin”,“RaidFWUpdate_V1_1_6.exe”,"",“S”,"SAMSUNG"
firmware on this drive, on a Dell system, or do i need to find a Lenovo system. And will it even work on lenovo system then?

Thanks in advance!

Yes you can do it with the samsung dc toolkit on the command line.

Through command line explicitly?
Because via GUI it gives me "fail 0h" error upon trying to flash it.
Should i go with Slot 1?
And was i correct to assume it is a lenovo drive and firmware will be compatible?:slight_smile:

It has 8 slots. I have a 512gb pm981 in my work pc and used the dc toolkit cmd line from Administrator prompt to fw was in 1 so i used slot 2.

8? A bit too many for firmwares :slight_smile:

Can I ask you to give me some guidance on flashing?

When i use slot 1:
[ERROR] Succeed to download the firmware image, but given firmware image is invalid
[ERROR] Error returned from the device

When i use slot 1 + force:
[ERROR] Succeed to download the firmware image, but given firmware image is invalid
[ERROR] Error returned from the device

Anything i should look into? Tried samsung-branded firmware found in this topic - same problem.

I have Samsung PM1725 6.4TB SSD.
How I can obtain latest firmware for him?

Current firmware: KPYABD3Q

I have a SAMSUNG MZVLW512HMJP-00000 with this firmware version CXY7501Q,IEEE OUI Identifier: 0x002538 and 0x144d.
Which oem is this ssd disk produced for?