Fix a corrupt BIOS on Intel DH61CR motherboard

Hey, saw another post like this but couldn’t really work off of it, it was from August. So basically, I have an Intel DH61CR motherboard with the most dead BIOS you have ever seen, due to multiple recovery failures and a failure going from 48 to 99. Here is the story.

In January i tried to update to 99, but that failed. I tried recovery features with no luck. So basically it sat in my basement until this month, when I need to use it as another PC. I tried booting it again, with now no display, no beeps even without ram. I asked a guy at work if he can flash it with a DH61DL bin i found (not modded btw), he did it, and it DOES do POST, but still no display, fans spin up and everything. It even beeps without RAM now. At this point I think that I need a actual, modded DH61DL BIOS with the correct Serial and LAN MAC (there is no windows activation key on it) and the model of the motherboard. I have no idea what the MAC address is. Might be in a log of our router. I even tried a GTX 1050 Ti for a different GPU, this time it starts up, after a couple of seconds, shuts off, and repeats. I am unable to find a .bin file of the BIOS, and I myself have no experience with BIOS modding. I don’t even have a clip. So here is what I require:

Intel DH61DL BIOS with correct LAN, Serial, anything that would make it boot, in a .BIN file, has to be 4096MB.

@Tonny - Why did you have him program it with the wrong model BIOS? And was that bin a complete BIOS dump from someone that actually dumped the BIOS? “Correct” serial and LAN MAC etc isn’t stopping it from posting.
Once you can boot from it, LAN MAC ID is usually on a sticker on the board or on/near the LAN Block.

To fix this, you need flash programmer such as $2.50 CH341A = $2.50 SOIC8 test clip with cable. Ask your friend if you can borrow his for a while, or order on ebay and wait, let me know if you need links to examples on ebay.
And yes, first we will have to find dump from this exact system, which I can probably do, then once booting we can try to fix your serial and MAC ID etc.

Another thing to consider here is, are you sure the CPU you are using now works properly? If your friend used a proper dumped BIOS, and that model is similar enough to this model to work, then it should be booting, that is why I ask.
Two things could be reason why it’s not, other than faulty CPU, he didn’t use a proper working dumped BIOS, or that model is not close enough match to this model for the BIOS to work. Also, if BIOS is only compatible with Sandy CPU and you are trying IVY, that would also be non-boot.

Anyway, for you to do anything here, you need flash programmer and clip with cable.