Fixing up MFW builder

I’m not sure if there’s anyone in these parts that could lend a hand but what I’m trying to do is fix up the somewhat cobbled together PS3MFW Builder, it’s an application that allows for numerous Playstation 3 modifications to firmware such as overclocking the GPU. I’ve made some improvements but I’m not especially familiar with TCL (or “Tickle” if you prefer lol) there are a bunch of fatal errors that I can only partially track down due to my unfamiliarity with the language and application.

For instance one error is;

wrong # args: should be “::01_patch_rsx_oc::Do_LV1_Patch self”

So I naturally looked around the script file for this process but can’t see any problems in the script. I’ve tried doing other tasks with MFW Builder and get very similar errors so I assume the problem is with a fundamental piece of code and not the individual scripts themselves. The application I’m giving some TLC to isn’t mine in the slightest I have no familiarity with it at all so tracking problems down is quite irksome. Is there anyone more familiar with TCL that would have an idea where errors like the above would be coming from?

Nevermind I accomplished what I need to but if anyone wants to help with modernising the program let me know.