Flashing Motherboard BIOS?

I’ve got a X370 motherboard but the BIOS that’s on it isn’t compatible with my Ryzen 5 3600 so I need to update it. My question is there are two BIOS chips on the board. M_BIOS and B_BIOS. Would I be correct to assume it’s M_BIOS I’d need to flash? I’m going to purchase a CH341A with the 1.8v adapter. Would this suffice to update the board?


Gigabyte Dual Bios, M is main chip bios and B is backup bios, a blind straight update with CH341A will not include the MAC, SNID etc of the mboard itself, by this method u will loose it.

Thanks for the reply. Apart from getting a compatible CPU to perform the update is there any other option then?

Dump M-bios with programmer, check for the specific information, update just bios static parts or transfer board specific information

Always do a valid backup before flashing somthing to a chip! So you might post the bios dump anyway before overwriting it and this way one could have a look into it. Which board?

Oh that sounds like a good idea. If I do that I’ll post the dump and get assistance. The board is the GA-AX370-Gaming K5