Gateway FX7026 Bios unlocking

I was hoping you could help me out with this bios? Listed as an Intel Bios, but I think built by Insyde lol.
That should by the link to get you to the stock bios. It has a G33 chipset so not sure if the ftp stuff will work.
Tried link, doesnt bring you directly to the specific model. Do a search for fx7026 under product model and it will take you there. And as always thanks fir all your help!!

@mikeshutte - Intel = Insyde = Pain in my rear usually
Ahh, that BIOS would be easy since it’s compatible with Intel’s Integrator Toolkit, but I checked and everything is already visible to you and unlocked. What were you hoping to find?
Since I can’t see BIOS, I can’t be 100% sure, but from what the toolkit shows all possible settings should be visible to you and unlocked.

Yea I was confused by the whole intel/insyde thing. I was hoping there would be some oc settings for the CPU. No problem though, if everything is available then its time for a mb upgrade.

@mikeshutte - Well, I can’t see your BIOS, if you want me to confirm what I see in the program is what you see in BIOS, you’d have to show me images of each page of the BIOS (all submenus too)
Or, you you can download Intel Integrator Toolkit and look. V5 will work, it will open V4, but V4 is what type of BIOS that is, download V5 since it has a more up to date v4 within it.
Or, see images below, this is basically it for “CPU Related”
[[File:CPU_rel (1).png|none|auto]] [[File:CPU_rel (2).png|none|auto]] [[File:CPU_rel (3).png|none|auto]]

CPU_rel (1).png

CPU_rel (2).png

CPU_rel (3).png

Yea I think that’s basically whats available now. Doesn’t look to be different. Thanks for looking into it anyway. I appreciate it. I do have another one if your up for it?