Looking to increase the power limit on this box, while the stock PL1 and PL2 are 45W and 55W, there is a TDC limit (or something) limiting power after a few seconds of load to 20W. I believe I am experiancing something solved in this post on STH forums, CWWK i5-1235U 6 port i226 report | ServeTheHome Forums
but unfortunately i have a different miniPC.
I have tried modifying the bios to this PC using the UEFI editor, but have encountered a few problems.
First, I couldn’t get the menus to appear, but I fixed this by swapping out the “security” menu for the previously locked CPU Performance menu.
However, when I try to access the “CPU VR Settings” menu where the TDP settings are located, the bios simply freezes, requiring a reboot.
Any idea on how to fix this?
biosreg.zip (6.6 MB)