Gigabyte aero 15 OLED overheating or psu issue?

I have unlocked my 3080 with a 165w vbios over the 105w stock and cpu is locked at 35w, but if the gpu reaches 76-82 degrees C, the computer either glitches out and blue screens, or completely shuts down instantly. And then it wont turn back on for maybe 30 seconds.

Is this from vrm overheating or psu being pushed more as the gpu gets hotter? Any info would be appreciated. :slight_smile: Both cpu and gpu are liquid metal’d

I have connected the vrm part of the heatsink to the chassis via thermal pads and I am using a laptop cooling pad running at 12v instead of 5.

hello facing same problem did you find out, also PCH is to hot, one question do you think undervolting make less stress on VRM or the opposite