Hello guys,
I have aorus z390 pro mobo and i want to enable all the spread spectrum.
for the cpu,pci and all the components if its possible.
i cant find any spread spectrum feature in ym mobo so if someone can mod this for me plz
sorry for my bad english
no one answering on this dead fucked up forum lol
@Yonaxsangi - Wow, nice bump!
* Edit - BIOS defaults to >>
RFI Spread Spectrum = 1.5% after load of optimized defaults (more than this may introduce WiFi RFI), max 6%
PCIe Spread Spectrum Clocking = Disabled always
how can i enable all of them? i dont want emi,emf,rmf because i have a very bad electricity at home causing input lags.
the voltage is consistency around 240-245