Gigabyte EX58-UD3R → what rev. do I have?

Sorry Ido npot know which groupto choose.
On a very old PC /2009) the above mainboard is installed. I would like to update the BIOS (in order to suppord HDs capacity > 3 TB). I have to know the rev. number which I cannot read with any tool (e.g.CPU-Z or similar). I know it ils printed on the motherboard itsel, but I unfortunmately cannot read it. H ow can I findout the rev. number of my MB?

Thankis and kind regards

Walt Gallus


What is the current bios version on the system?

Revisions 1.7/1.6 have bios string name as FxYY (x=letter)
Revisions 1.1/1.0 have bios string name as FxYY (x=number)

Hi MeatWar

Thanks very much for helpful support.
The string of my mainboard EX58-UD3R is Fc2 BG (22.06.2009) which would mean Revisions 1.1/1.0. What file do I need to update my BIOS?
Thanks again a lot in advance and kind regards

Walt Gallus

I cant find past bios version F2C or BG from year 2009…

BIOS ID code of revisions 1.0/1.1 is: 7A89QG0A
BIOS ID code of revisions 1.6/1.7 is: 7A89QG0E

During POST, there’s information displayed on the bottom of screen, PAUSE it to check Bios ID

You really should look in to the PCB… take a smartphone and zoom in.

Hi again MeatWar
First of all thanks for your very much appreciated support. You sureley have realised that you are speaking to a greenhorn.
Here is what I found following your instructions:
7A89QG0EC-00, not exactly your suggestion but it looks like Revision 1.6/1.7.
My problem now is: how/where can I find the appropriate updae file for my BIOS?
And what is the PCB I sh ould look in?

Thanks again and kind regards

Walt Gallus

Well it looks that indeed is the revision 1.6/1.7 ( 7A89QG0E(00) so latest bios is the FK.

I do suggest you use the embedded bios utility in bios to flash it (Q-Flash…cant remember this old bioses utility name), do not using @BIOS app or OS environment.

Proceed to the FI update, after this version use the utility in the download FJ18, as they instruct us to the next update, then finally the latest FK one again using bios utility.

Good luck.

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Once more many thanks, MeatWar. I pluck up all my courage and give it a try. I will report on the result here.

Walt Gallus

Hi MeatWar
Please see uploaded pic: do you still suggest using the internal QFlash?
Thanks and regards
Walt Gallus

Errrrr… that’s NOT what i wrote.

Sorry, Meatar, I did not realise that I have to use different Update utilities.
Walt Gallus

Sorry to harass you again, MeatWar:
In the downloaded file for FJ18 motherboard_bios_ga-ex58-ud3r_1.x_fj18.exe the following files are contained:

  • autoexec.bat
  • EX58UD3R.J18

“The latest ¦BIOS” is missing. Or is this the same as the “QFlash” inegrated in my current BIOS Setup?

If I have to use FLASHSPI.EXE how dI do it? If I run it under Windows 10 nothing happens.

Thanks again and regards

Walt Gallus

The FJ18 files are for USB boot, prepare a USB small disk as bootable drive, copy the file to it, run the batch file.


Upon reboot, keep the usb drive connected as the system may still need further operations, let it run without user interference to Windows and then shutdown.

After a full power on and shutdown cycle, engage the last update version FK,
now back with (< < END > > key) Q-Flash embedded bios utility.
This time the USB disk source doesn’t need to be bootable.

Its in the manual of the motherboard:
4-2 BIOS Update Utilities

Sorry, as a greenhorn I am just overwhelmed by creating the bootale USB stick and reflashing BIOS with it alth ough I read quite a lot about this procedure…I was proud to achieve the first step (FI). No easier way for FJ18?

Thanks and regards

Walt Gallus

Well my friend… this is “kind of” advanced forum users and seems you pretty naive on this simple matters even on small details.
You can proceed as you want as this is your asset, the recommendation flash procedure is from Gigabyte and not from this forum.

Easiest way for “lazy users” take them often to app @Bios in OS environment, leading to very know cases around the web… of a death motherboard.

Thats it, nothing more to add and you can take your own path.

ok, thanks for support until now. I do not yet know how to go on.
Walt Gallus