Gigabyte GA-M59SLI-S5 phenom II support?

here it is thanks for replying

590i New Test Bios (337 KB)

Yes, that BIOS has 100FA0 microcode in it from 2/17/2010, so “should” work with phenom II x6 1055t

Couldn’t get it to work. Maybe one has to add support for it? Could you take a look at that?

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8 GHz Six Core CPU Processor HDT55TWFK6DGR AM3 95W is what i have:…0?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Can you also look at this bios-to see if it also has support for the x6?…=24940#pid24940

If the x6 just doesn’t work out, maybe I can try this:…&condition=used

Only problem I see is that nobody on that forum topic above tried to use a phenom II x4 with turbo like the 960t i posted above.

Hi Lost_N_BIOS,

Couldn’t get it to work. Maybe one has to add support for it? Could you take a look at that?

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8 GHz Six Core CPU Processor HDT55TWFK6DGR AM3 95W is what i have:…0?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Can you also look at this bios-to see if it also has support for the x6?…=24940#pid24940

If the x6 just doesn’t work out, maybe I can try this:…&condition=used

Only problem I see is that nobody on that forum topic above tried to use a phenom II x4 with turbo like the 960t i posted above.

Please see links in my previous post

Just replying to see i anybody can look at this?

@Milardo - What other CPU do you need checked? I don’t want amazon link, give me the model and I will check.
All I can check is if microcode is there, you can do that yourself too with MC Extractor + Find CPU model on and get it’s CPUID then look at MC Extrator microcodes for the BIOS you dropped onto it.
Here is output from both to save you some time (both exact same)



Your answer is in image I showed above, both CPU have same CPUID - 100FA0
That is all I know to check, ucode for that CPUID is there

Thanks for replying, however the x6 processor i have still doesn’t work. I think something is missing perhaps. Here is a different gigabyte board that didn’t support 6 core phenom ii until it’s last bios update. However it supported non turbo phenom II x4 before that last bios it seems. Could you have a look, maybe what they did is what is needed for the x6 processor to work in my board, thanks in advance.…support-dl-bios

Fix onboard VGA compatibility
Update CPU AGESA for AMD 6core CPU…-10#support-cpu

By the way i have that board as well.

Yes, maybe it’s not compatible, as we’ve known all along. All I can check or change is what I’ve shown you above and we’ve discussed.
I know nothing about editing BIOS in regards to what CPU can work or not work etc, other than inserting microcodes which we’ve already done. Sorry I can’t help more than this