Gigabyte GA-M59SLI-S5 phenom II support?

Hi, looking for a way to get my motherboard-gigabyte gam59sli-s5 to support phenom II processors. I’ve asked this on another forum but haven’t succeeded yet. Is it possible to mod another bios from a different manufacturer but same chipset to include the features of this board and support the phenom II processors which already are supported by that different manufacturer? I’ve had help to mod gigabyte bios but when i put in a phenom II x4 925 it won’t boot at all, just black screen, etc. Let me know thanks for any good help. I can provide that certain bios from the other manufacturer too. Also, I have actually flashed the bios from the other manufacturer as is, it does work, but firewire controller and a com port is not working in device manager, internal floppy drive doesn’t work and temps are off in bios. Also if i shut down pc and try to turn it on, it wont boot properly where the dual bios kicks in and flashes to gigabyte bios.

@Milardo - No luck with last pack I sent you either? I doubted this would be possible or Wiz and the others in that one thread would have cracked in years ago when they were working on it back then.
Not too many here doing mod BIOS, best luck for something like that is on BIOS-mods site. Did you make a thread over there, or only message me, I forgot? If you didn’t make a thread, make one and maybe someone can now help that couldn’t back on the old thread.

[quote=Lost_N_BIOS|p71016]@Milardo - No luck with last pack I sent you either? I doubted this would be possible or Wiz and the others in that one thread would have cracked in years ago when they were working on it back then.
Not too many here doing mod BIOS, best luck for something like that is on BIOS-mods site. Did you make a thread over there, or only message me, I forgot? If you didn’t make a thread, make one and maybe someone can now help that couldn’t back on the old thread.[/quote

The last bios you sent me was for the correct processor i checked that, but it didn’t work either. I posted in the main thread regarding the motherboard which nobody replied to me at all. Only seems one other person besides you who I asked for help, but actually that other person wasn’t so helpful. Are you able to mod a different bios to try and get it to work with my motherboard. Let me know, so I can upload that other bios thanks.

@Milardo - I can’t make another board BIOS more compatible with your board, but the things you mention Firewire/floppy seem trivial and I would use that BIOS and ignore not being able to use those if it was me. As for the CPU temps, that may just be a matter of updating the microcodes in that BIOS.
upload that other board BIOS you already tested and confirmed worked with those CPU’s and I will update it’s microcodes for you. If that doesn’t fix the temp readouts, then it may not be possible/easily, due to that being made for another board it’s hardware locations for temp sensors, type of sensors etc may be all different.

Well actually I don’t know if the phenom II processor works, because if i shut down the computer and try to start it up again, somehow the computer doesn’t seem to like it, and the second bios kicks in and flashes to the gigabyte bios. So I haven’t confirmed if the phenom II processor i have works or not. Any idea of why it won’t start up? Even having the athlon 64 processor it won’t start up with that different bios. I know if I keep the computer on and never shut down, it seems to work. Also restarts are fine as well. Here is the link for the bios.…on-EVGA-590-SLI

It’s on the first post and rename .zip to .bin

Dual BIOS is why that wont work with your other CPU too probably. If you can solder good, you could remove that chip and see if reboot is then possible or not.
But don’t attempt that unless you have worked on desoldering lead free solder on motherboards before, it’s difficult without the proper tools and experience due to the lead free solder. And BIOS legs are vey weak, traces/pads can lift easily if heated too hot for too long too.

Do you have flash programmer? If not, order one (CH341A) + SOIC8 test clip cable, then you can backup both chips, then rewrite both chips with the other BIOS, then no dual BIOS recovery issue. This requires no soldering and costs less than $6, but it’s a long wait for delivery 3-5 weeks.

Is the bios chip on my motherboard socket or soldered on? Specifically the second chip, can i just remove it without having to desolder it?

@Milardo - Sorry, I forgot about those BIOS being PLLC32! You need “Nano USB Programmer” from ebay, this is only one I know that works with those BIOS.
The review you linked does not match the other images I found before, so we need to check your actual motherboard, show me an image of the chips and I will let you know if main one is in a socket or not.
Last time I checked for I found images that showed one BIOS in a socket, but the review you just linked they both look soldered to the board, so better we look at your actual motherboard.
Third image here, at same site you linked is not good sign, both clearly soldered to board -
Good image of it here too -…board-review/2/
There is no SOIC test clip cable/jumper anymore for PLLC32, not that I’ve found under $80-100

Not sure what I saw before when I looked for you, but maybe it was wrong board shown? All I see now are soldered in everywhere I look
So I don’t think this is option for you, unless you really know how to solder

I could maybe disable firewire and floppy in that other BIOS, and update microcodes, but I doubt that will help with the reboot or dual BIOS recovery stuff.
Time to upgrade to better motherboard, this is your sign

* Edit - here is many different edits done to that EVGA BIOS, I would try the ones not edited by modbin first…911844489479753


Here is a picture of the bios chips on motherboard.

Also, why do you think that when i have that test bios flashed to board, when i go to shut off computer, it won’t turn on properly?

@Milardo - thanks for image, see my edit above for BIOS, I put in edit while you were posting
Yes, those BIOS only soldered in place, no socket, so I would be very cautious flashing mod BIOS (As in maybe not do it anymore), if it bricks then that’s it unless you can solder very well.

It wont turn on properly because that BIOS is not for this board, it’s a EVGA BIOS not Gigabyte, very lucky it even works at all without immediate brick

If I disable the 2nd bios, and or flash both bios with evga bios, then maybe it will turn on after shutdown? I’m thinking it only won’t turn on with evga bios because there is some protection from qflash utility? Please see below:

c. Dual BIOS Item explanation:
Wide Range Protection: Disable(Default), Enable
Status 1:
If any failure (ex. Update ESCD failure, checksum error or reset? occurs in the Main BIOS, just before
the Operating System is loaded and after the power is on, and that the Wide Range Protection is set to
"Enable", the PC will boot from Backup BIOS automatically.
Status 2:
If the ROM BIOS on peripherals cards(ex. SCSI Cards, LAN Cards,…) emits signals torequest restart
of the system after the user make any alteration on it, the boot up BIOS will not be changed to the
Backup BIOS.
Boot From : Main BIOS(Default), Backup BIOS
Status 1:
The user can set to boot from main BIOS or Backup BIOS.
Status 2:
If one of the main BIOS or the Backup BIOS fails, this item "Boot From : Main BIOS(Default)" will
become gray and will not be changed by user.
Auto Recovery : Enable(Default), Disable
When one of the Main BIOS or Backup BIOS occurs checksum failure, the working BIOS will automatically
recover the BIOS of checksum failure.
(In the Power Management Setup of the BIOS Setting, if ACPI Suspend Type is set to Suspend to RAM,
the Auto Recovery will be set to Enable automatically.)
(If you want to enter the BIOS setting, please press "Del" key when the boot screen appears.)
Halt On Error : Disable(Default), Enable
If the BIOS occurs a checksum error or the Main BIOS occurs a WIDE RANGE PROTECTION error and
Halt On Error set to Enable, the PC will show messages on the boot screen, and the system will pause
and wait for the user’s instruction.
If Auto Recovery :Disable, it will show <or the other key to continue.>
If Auto Recovery :Enable, it will show <or the other key to Auto Recover.>
Keep DMI Data : Enable(Default), Disable
Enable: The DMI data won’t be replaced by flashing new BIOS.(recommend)
Disable: The DMI data will be replaced by flashing new BIOS.

It’s hard to guess on that, possibly yes, possibly no. I know all about Dual BIOS, how it works (in much more detail than that explanation) and how it fails etc.
But yes, in general that is why I suggested what I did earlier. Doing that may get around the auto recovery, but it may not help shutdown/reboot, since this BIOS is not for that board.

how do you convert a .bin file bios to one that qflash will work with, i tried to and get "Bios ID check error". I am trying to flash both bios of the board. Or how do flash both bios without using qflash utility?

@Milardo - Qflash works with .BIN files directly, BIOS ID Check error means you are trying to flash a BIOS that is not for the board you have (or for the BIOS currently loaded while in Qflash)
If you want to flash the wrong BIOS to the board you need to edit it’s ID’s properly first, to match the current onboard BIOS ID, so it thinks the incorrect BIOS is the correct BIOS
Gigabyte BIOS are already in bin format, simple rename .F12 for example to .bin, or leave as .Fwhatever#ishere

To flash both BIOS without using Qflash you need flash programmer and SOIC8 test clip cable.

im using .F9C bios which is the latest one for the board. Could you edit the ID’s of the modded bios you provided here:…911844489479753

so that I may flash both bios from qflash? Thanks for your help.

That is a broken link you gave, if that is the BIOS from post #8 (EVGA BIOS), you cannot flash that with Qflash, you’ll have to use flashrom DOS or Linux, or purchase a programmer as I mentioned to you long ago
You’d have it by now if you ordered back then And sorry, I just saw my comment on PLLC32 BIOS chip again, you’ll need the USB Nano Programmer I linked for you from ebay (this is not regular CH341A programmer, and no need for SOIC8 test clip since your BIOS is PLLC32)

i’ve used so far awdflash.exe on a floppy disk, but how can i flash both bios from that way?

You cannot, you need flash programmer to program the backup BIOS physically. Flashrom from DOS may find both chips, if you can get it to work for that board, I’ve not used it so I don’t know how it scans/detects the chips.

Hi Lost_N_BIOS, i managed to flash both bios using flashrom in linux. I am on this bios attached. I put in that oem amd phenom II x4 925 cpu in and it works and is detected. I want to go a little further and put in which is probably an oem phenom II x6 1055t 95w cpu that I also have. Could you have a look at this bios and see if it has support for that phenom II x6 processor or processor(s)?…=20453#pid20453

There is a dropbox link in that post from that forum which is the bios i have flashed on my pc now.

I used that one because it correctly identifies the phenom II X4 i have. Let me know if has phenom II x6 support or if not, can you add support and identification into that specific bios? Thanks in advance.

@Milardo - what is your exact phenom II x6 CPU model so I can look up it’s CPUID - sorry, I misread what you motioned, checking for support for phenom II x6 1055t now

I remember this thread, and that EVGA BIOS, at least think it was EVGA, didn’t look again right now since I don’t know what CPU you need checked about

* edit, the link you gave, dropbox is 404. Please upload the exact BIOS you want me to check out