Gigabyte GA Z170X GAMING G1 permanent reboot

Hello everyone, I want to ask if anyone had the same problem and how they solved it:
Мy Gigabyte GA Z170X GAMING G1 makes a permanent reboot. Every 3 seconds the motherboard tries to start and turn off, with each new turn on it switches from Main BIOS to Backup (if is in "Dual bios mode"). I tried everything to make a diagnosis, but no success. The motherboard behaves in the same way with processor and memory, and without them! The debugger does not light up for a second! I will be happy to share your experience with me!

there are many possibilities here,like a bad psu,a chip dying on you,faulty ram or a bad connection cable (sata etc),clogged cpu fan,jumpers in wrong place,setting voltage too high in settings (overclocking),even a cheap extension cord can cause failures,therefore many parts to check if they are working properly

that being said,once making sure they are working alright,lets make sure everything inside is in order,
GA-Z170X-Gaming G1 (rev. 1.0)
latest bios version is F22j
update it,if you have not already.enter into bios load defaults then turn the pc off,unplug the power cable,remove the cmos battery.check the cables,see if the cards and all in their places tight.wait a bit.
now reassemble ,enter into bios and set your optimals.update all your drivers,chipset,rapid,management engine,network etc
let me know how it behaves now

Hi, as I said, I tried everything I could think of. All parts work when they are on my other motherboard. There is no possibility to enter the BIOS, because nothing appears on the monitor! And yes the bios is the last of the gigabyte site.

an old is your cmos battery can explain bios settings going back to defaults or similar behaviour
but it does not explain the pc shutting itself off
nothing on the monitor? please elaborate
different graphic card? vga instead of dvi cable? different monitor?

I tried two different and working video cards, the battery is a week old, monitors also two. I have a feeling that the CPU socket is something wrong. No buzzer sound, no signs of life from the debugger. Only the fans rotate and permanent reboot that’s it! And CPU is I7 6700K.

Like i said at the begining,maybe cpu,maybe cpu fan,maybe a chip,any part can be at fault.we cant say for sure without a close inspection

Hi, for me personally, it’s very strange why it constantly (when in dual boot mode) tries to boot from the other BIOS. If it starts booting from the main bios after 3 seconds it is transferred to the backup bios and restarted. Then boot from the backup bios, 3 seconds and transfer to the main bios and restart. And this non stop.

now that shounds like a corrupted up your bios manual and see if there is way to recovery/fallback option (like Shorting out pins/jumpers etc)

Since the motherboard is a gigabyte (with dual bios), I tried to run it from the backup bios, but to no avail, it is also high-end and supports Q flash +. And I tried that, the result - the same!

from manual;

What is DualBIOS™?
Motherboards that support DualBIOS have two BIOS onboard, a main BIOS and a backup BIOS. Normally, the
system works on the main BIOS. However, if the main BIOS is corrupted or damaged, the backup BIOS will
take over on the next system boot and copy the BIOS file to the main BIOS to ensure normal system operation.
For the sake of system safety, users cannot update the backup BIOS manually.

What is Q-Flash Plus?
Q-Flash Plus is a new solution derived from DualBIOS™. When both the main and backup BIOS fail during
system boot, Q-Flash Plus will be automatically launched and then recover BIOS data from the USB flash drive
connected to a specific USB port.

USB 3.0/2.0 Port (White)
The USB 3.0 port supports the USB 3.0 specification and is compatible to the USB 2.0/1.1 specification.
Use this port for USB devices. Before using Q-Flash Plus, make sure to insert the USB flash drive (Note)
into this port first

Press the <End> key to access the Q-Flash utility directly without having to enter BIOS Setup first.

I read the user manual several times and tried everything! I found this video on the internet (https: // V = ze4Dg11W3hU & list = WL & index = 52), in which they use the same motherboard as mine. But no effect. The motherboard will have to visit the service!