[Guide/Deprecated] Flashing modified AMI Aptio UEFI using AFU

@nicram4ever - Always confirm what it is, if using Intel FPT, otherwise you can brick your system. Yes, if using AFU it doesn’t matter. I checked, that is encapsulated BIOS as you mentioned (AMI Capsule file), renaming to rom or bin would not make it rom or bin, only extract body from capsule would.
However, don’t do that and use it, you will loose serial #, UUID, and possibly LAN MAC ID

If you end up using Intel FPT, make backup as the guide warns. If you need me to remod your backup then upload it for me and tell me what you need done.

@Lost_N_BIOS I have an Asus K55VD and i tried to flash a modded rom via afudos with "afudos (romname).rom /GAN in dos mode by usb,and it succeeded , but with no changes at all. I have flashed it with /GAN. What can I do in order to flash it?

Actually there is no AFU utilities for Aptio.
I think it would be better remove this link and any other links to AMI website because there is only new version of flasher utility 3.09.X. This version does not have /GAN parameter.
Last version it has is 3.06.1. I’ve tried to find it in the Internet but failed. At last I’ve found ver. 5.05.04 with working /gan.

@Draver - yes, AFU w/ /GAN and regular AFU sometimes can appear to flash fine but actually flash nothing. There is several other methods to try outlined here [Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS (27)
I suggest my method using FPT since this is Intel system, please pay attention to the warning on my guide! My method is linked at end of #2 in above page

@Axle - there is plenty of AFUxxxx for Aptio 4 and 5, maybe not at AFU’s site, but they are out there (even v5 w/ /GAN option as you mentioned).

The link in the 1st message is dead:

Even when it wasn’t dead there was only utility for AMIBIOS, not for Aptio 4/5.

This topic is called

but there is no information about new versions of AFU without /GAN parameter.

I do not know why the found version is 5. The modified date is 2014-01-22 14:51:22. The newest version at AMI site is 3.09.X for Aptio 4.

Thanks @Axle - it’s not dead, it just needs links updated since they moved things around (Tested and downloading) @CodeRush -
Aptio IV ( - https://ami.com/en/?Aptio_4_AMI_Firmware_Update_Utility.zip
Aptio V ( - https://ami.com/en/?Aptio_V_AMI_Firmware_Update_Utility.zip

AMIBIOS8 version links are there too if anyone needs it, this was never the original linked file, I’ve downloaded from the OP link before and it was Aptio V I believe.

Anyway, that is why link does not work now, they re-arranged their site. Links are above for now, until CodeRush adds the new links
There is never any information about /GAN that is ES/Engineers version/information, not meant to be public so they don’t post stuff like that at their site.
There’s no new info needed, same applies you either have the version that allows /GAN or you don’t, there is versions that work with /GAN for Aptio IV and V

This version does not have /GAN. There is no reason to download it if /GAN neeed.

I pointed to this forum and this topic that’s called Guide and anyone like me hopes that links are right but they don’t.

@Axle - Obviously! No publically available version from AMI will have /GAN and we can’t link the ones that do here - did you read what I said about that?

Links are correct for downloading public AFU Files, AMI site has been changed, for now new links are above CodeRush will update links when he gets my notification above. You already have latest version that allows /GAN for Aptio V, so no need to look further, that is all there is (The one you mentioned).
If you need for Aptio IV, google for AFUDOS 3.06.01 or send me PM. Page 4 of this thread has link to 3.04 version that supports /GAN, but 3.06.01 is out there, maybe better results for you if you don’t use Google.
AFU is not very reliable and outdated method of flashing BIOS. What is your motherboard, if Intel based and at least semi-modern (has Intel ME) I can help you flash in much easier way.

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This guide is several years old, and should probably be removed because /GAN method is a legacy of dark ages, and doesn’t work for newer boards. I wrote it because of a promise given to Fernando, and already asked him to remove it once (because of people breaking their systems by following the guide).
Here is my second try: @Fernando , please consider removing this guide as both dangerous and severely outdated.

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I agree with CodeRush. The guide has been kept for archival purposes with a warning at the top but is now non-sticky and closed.

@CodeRush :
Thank you very much for having started this thread in January 2014 by writing your detailed guide, which was absolutely helpful for a lot of users. I apologize for having not followed your request to remove this thread from the Win-RAID Forum. Your guide and this thread contain so much interesting information, that its complete removal would have caused a big knowledge loss for all interested users of this Forum. Nobody among our Forum members knows so much about the BIOS secrets as you. That is the reason why I was and still am very grateful, that you had written the Guide, which is still available within the start post of this thread.
I sincerely hope, that you accept plutomaniac’s decision to write a warning on top of your guide, but to leave the text of your guide and the complete thread untouched.
Thanks again!

@plutomaniac :
Thank you very much for your actions regarding this thread, which are 100% supported by me. Addditionally I have removed the hint to CodeRush’s guide and this thread from the start post of >this< thread.

2 posts were split to a new topic: [Request] PRIMERGY RX2540 M2 help on flash mod bios

HI Scholar53,

I got the same SSID 2b2c as your,
My previous BIOS version was A017, but i updated to 8009 and know bios is corrupted (able boot into OS but cannot get into BIOS setting/menu)

Could you please guide me step by step on how to flash the bios.

I have Z590 Asus Hero + i9 11900k, on bios version 1701, it not good and unstability. Can you help me downgrade to 0902!

Lost_N_BIOS Guru (Retired)

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Thank you, can you tell me how to downgrade (rollback) or if there is a member who knows how to do it so I can contact them?

And have you tried to use the search box of this forum and look for term “downgrade”… the presented tools/methods here in this thread are for old AMI Aptio IV Core bios, not for current V and modern mb models, methods will varie from model to brand and not always an easy task or possible, with a possibility of a broken system occur.
Your Z590 Hero has USB BFB feature… have you tried this method?

Yes, I used USB Flashback, but it didn’t allow me to rollback to previous versions. The Asus website said that USB Flashback allows rollback, but it doesn’t work as they described.
With AMI Aptio V, I can not find any solution out there

USB BFB is a “blind operation” with system power off… so your answer has no credit at all.
Try again… but this time doing the correct operation… these are not for doing with Asus APPS, UEFI or in Windows environment.
USB BFB doesn’t uses a powered system or post any messages/checks bios versions…so please do not make us loose time with it.
Over_N_OUT of here.

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Thank you very much for your support.