[Guide] Fixing HT for Coffee Lake CPUs on Z170/270 Chipset MBs

Hi dsanke,
B2 depends on external roms - vga/lan/sata/etc, try to disable init of these roms removing card/remove roms from bios for test purpose

Hi dsanke,
B2 depends on external roms - vga/lan/sata/etc, try to disable init of these roms removing card/remove roms from bios for test purpose

I’ve tried disabled CSM and use iGPU , stay in 97 for 2 seconds and stuck in 04 , I don’t know what it means .
I’ve replaced option ROMs ( IRST , PXE ) to Z370 extracted ones but nothing happen .

I found some ASUS Z170 board (M8I /Z170-AR /Z170 PRO GAMING)with this mod can not boot with some nvme SSD , will stuck in ASUS Logo .

And I solved by this way:
Remove these modules for ASUS Z170
C9A6DE36-FDFF-4FAF-8343-85D9E3470F43 NvmeInt13
634E8DB5-C432-43BE-A653-9CA2922CC458 Nvme
E5E2C9D9-5BF5-497E-8860-94F81A09ADE0 NvmeSmm
And follow this thread re-insert Nvme DXE [Guide] How to get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS
Insert NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs before A0327FE0-1FDA-4E5B-905D-B510C45A61D0

Did you also try this in the M8H? I would like to mod this bios. But i don’t know where to start? Because i would like to keep the compability with kaby lake but ubu overwrites it with the coffee lake microcode. How does one implement all four microcodes (SL/KL/CL and the upcoming ix-9xxx). The Bios does have enough space with 16MB.

@Scenz link to BIOS and I will check for you, usually if you want more than UBU allows you have to try manually updating ucodes.

@scenz you should be able to just use mmtool to add/remove microcodes for asus. If you skip the skl/kbl es microcodes, that frees up a bit.

You can insert uCode to other volume .

On my ASRock Z170 MOCF, HT with 8700k works fine … but overclocking only with BCLK. Running UEFIPatch with "patches.txt" dont work …

I opened original with hex editor and replaced bytes there …



But overclocking with multi (Bios) dont work … do you have any idea?

#108 i’m curious too

On my ASRock Z170 MOCF, HT with 8700k works fine … but overclocking only with BCLK. Running UEFIPatch with "patches.txt" dont work …

I opened original with hex editor and replaced bytes there …



But overclocking with multi dont work … do you have any idea?

Check this https://community.hwbot.org/topic/175489…ffee-lake-mods/ http://picx.xfastest.com/nickshih/asrock…CF7.51D_CFL.rar
Oifficial Coffee Lake BIOS from ASRock for OC Formula including ratio oc patch . You just need fix ACPI table for device manager and task manager showing correct freq and logic processer .
For almost all ASRock and ASUS BIOS with kaby lake support and have no CpuMpPei module , there is no need to patch it for HT , they can run cfl i7 with HT without patch .


Thank you, i know this Bios and it works fine …

I tried to create my own Bios to learn.
It would only be interesting to know why this does not work for me …

The Bios L7.51E has a small problem … the CPU only clocks down when Speedshift is on and “Fast Startup” in Win 10 is off. (Fast Startup on … First Boot … Speedshift doesnt work.)

Maybe there are more than one location of the code in your BIOS. Try finding/replacing all of them. Flash and set sync all cores in setup.


There is only one entry in my bios … have checked it several times …

Thanks to all !!

If you have both files, compare them and you know what to do.

Hello! I have such m/b. Could you fix the DSDT? Please give me modbios. Thanks!

Asus Z170 Deluxe Bios version 3201 work fine with i7 Cfl

Change these option to disable all legacy rom , and boot to BIOS with cfl i7 and HT .
Launch PXE OpROM policy->UEFI only
Launch Storage OpROM policy->UEFI only
Launch Video OpROM policy->UEFI only
Other PCI device ROM priority->UEFI only
Windows 8.1/10 WHQL Support->Enabled
Windows 7 Installation->Disabled
I also use UBU updated some modules:
EFI Realtek UNDI - 2.045
OROM Realtek Boot Agent GE - 2.66
I don’t know exactly what take effect .
I think these motherboards with NVMe SSD stuck in ASUS Logo is related to Legacy Option ROM too .
@Mov_AX_0xDEAD @s.napi

I tried Asus B150m-et m.2/wow can’t boot with clf i7 in all bios versions.
After 3xxx version just stuck in boot logo or boot loop.
Before 3xxx version do not work.

Hello people, I want to ask you simple question. I have motherboard Asus Maximus IX Hero, but I have read on this forum "ROG M9H all BIOS version with CpuMpPei patched , boot with i7 ,keep rebooting , debug light show 91." So, I want to ask you is it necessary any modification with procesor i7-9700k (8 theards)? Please dsanke if can answer, bcs I have read somwhere that 8 cores does not require CpuMpPei patch? In that case, if CpuMpPei is not a problem, will the 9700k work without a problem on Maximus 9 hero? Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

8 threads does not require CpuMpPei but hard to tell if 9700K will work without problems (I guess the pci-e patcher might need an update).