How I can fix it?
Maybe you have manual?
Thanks for you help information!
Hello. I tried to follow your instructions but got the same error.
I use MMTool Aptio 4.50.0023, edit D2939-B1.UPD and save.
When save dont see error, but when I flash this D2939-B1.UPD
Flash Service Interface reports Image Signature Error!
ERROR - GABI Progress Code: 833D
EDIT 22.10.2023
Hello All. I find solution how to flash.
- I download BIOS from official fujitsu site.
- MMTool Aptio 4.50.0023 → (open) D2939-B1.rom → (add) NvmExpressDxe_5.ffs → (save) D2939-B1.rom file.
- AMI AFUWin64 v3.05.04 with GAN support → (open) CMD With admin rights → (flash with this command) → AFUWINx64.EXE D2939-B1.rom /GAN
- Server reboot and work! BIOS see NVMe.
Thanks all for Help!
@andriiwork @MeatWar
Since your recent discussion was mainly not about how to integrate the NVMe module into the BIOS, but about how to get the modded BIOS properly flashed, I have moved the related posts into this better matching thread and hope, that you agree with me.
Good luck!
i managed to flash the latest bios for my supermicro x10slh-f using the ami tool that came with the bios.
simply use rufus to create a freedos and flash the bios via the ami.bat file and it should work.
what happened in my case was after POST, it went into a restart loop for like 4-5 times but each time it got further and further in the POST process until it just goes through.
Good luck!
@clarencelimzj Thank you for your feedback.
Was the restart loop a one time thing or does it happen on every fresh start ?
i am trying Modding my bios with afuwin ami
but i keep getting this error
18 - error: secure flash rom verify fail
my mother board is msi B760m-p
i searched about Solution in your website i did found this but i didn’t understand what is
what i should do with it ?
Nothing to do with mods flash…
platomav/MEAnalyzer: Intel Engine & Graphics Firmware Analysis Tool (
Bios mod on modern motherboards only flashed with Intel FPT tool (Should be v16)
or an SPI programmer.
Dump your bios with the tool, (bios_region must allow writing, MSI usually allow it) mod it and flash it back.
If no experience on this area and not familiar with the tools, do not procede, i will not teach this to anyone as it’s no easy task and time consuming.
VERY high risk of getting a braked board.
You should wait for others users pov.
EDIT: Use the search box on the forum…your task and your time, not mine.
sorry if i bother you can i get the link of FPT v16 ?
Since you are obviously searching for a tool to get a modded MSI BIOS properly flashed, I have moved your request (and the reply given by MeatWar) into this already existing and much better matching thread.
Don’t forget to read its start post before sending new posts.
Good luck!
since i looking for fpt (CSME System Tools v16) i found the last 2 version of it and i would like to upload it for others if they looking for it later
thanks for helping @MeatWar
Those tools are present in the forum, in the correct section and thread related to ME tools.
I just told you to search for it… all users will find it in the:
Intel Converged Security Management Engine
Drivers, Firmware and Tools
CSME 16+
Lates v16.0 is the CSME System Tools v16.0 r8
Lates v16.1 is the CSME System Tools v16.1 r0
Need some help with this Asus TUF H370 Pro Gaming Bios, i have modded this Bios but can´t Flash it.
First of all here is the Original Bios File: (8.5 MB)
Cleared all Keys in Secure Boot and set System to “Other OS” Secure Boot: shows deactivated
First i looked for locked Bios with USB Stick and Shell.EFI with GRUB but it´s unlocked as standard
(Bios LOCK 0xBC9 = 0x00 i set it to 0x00)
(FPRR 0x5BE = 0x00 standard)
(BIOS GUARD 0x1CC = 0x00 standard)
Then I have tried to Flash it in several ways:
This Asus Mainboard have no Bios Flashback so it´s more complicated
Flash from UEFI Bios itself: Says Can´t Flash this Bios File
Next i tried AFUDOS this says 22 - Error Problem allocating memory.
FTP (DOS) & FTPW says this Error 167 Protected Range Registers are set by Bios, preventing Flash access.
Same if I first make a Bios dump of original Bios with “ftp -d backup.bin”, when i wan´t to reflash this with “ftp -bios -f backup.bin” Same Error 167 -
Then I tried Asus AI Suite and replaced the .CAP File (as in Guide), it flashed the Bios 3101 but without Modifications.
Last i tried Flashrom 1.2 with programmer “internal”
Here are the Errors from Flashrom:
Bios Region SMM Protection is enabled
SPI Configuration is locked down
FREG0: Flash Descriptor Region (0x00000000 - 0x00000fff) is read only
FREG2: Management Engine Region (0x00003000 - 0x002fffff) is read only
Enabling Hardware Sequencing because some important OPCODE is locked
Found programmer Flash Chip “Opaque Flash Chip”
Here is my MEInfo64 Output: (1.5 KB)
Who can help me to get this working or have some Guides for me that i haven´t found at this time ?
I am modifying the bios of the original motherboard.
It works fine, but there is one problem.
Non-existent hardware appears in Device Manager.
It is a device called GDIX1001, and this board is a board that has converted the hardware originally used in a tablet PC into a mini PC. (The model of the board is unknown, but it says U35FL002)
I modified the ACPITable in bios to try to remove this.
The fix is using ACPICA and UEFITool and flashing with AFUWIN (I tried this, but an error occurred: 18 - error secure flash rom verify fail
. So I dumped the entire BIOS, modified it with UEFITool, and flashed it with a ROM programmer.)
The result is like this:
- Something like a recovery tab and
ROM Image update denied
has appeared in the BIOS. - Does not automatically boot into Windows. The BIOS menu appears first. Internal drive (EMMC) is gone. (= This problem was resolved by reformatting the eMMC and reinstalling the OS.) Other than that, USB or EFI Shell is possible in the BIOS. (Menu appears)
- Booting from BIOS is a bit slow.
How can this problem be solved? :0 (Or is it not editable?)
I use a translator.
BIOS Dump and my edited
U35FL002 – Google Drive
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Since you obviously had problems to get a modded AMI UEFI BIOS properly flashed, I have moved your post into this already existing thread. The Guide is within the first post.
By the way - the “device” named GDIX1001 is an ACPI one. You may find a driver [>here<].(ACPI\GDIX1001 download driver for Windows 10 x64 | DriverPack).
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
At least you can get rid of the following.
Just delete ReFlash dxe.
Thank you for solving it. (Booting is still slow, but it doesn’t matter)
I have a modern motherboard ASUS B760M-A D4 without flashback usb port.
I can’t use flashrom’s -p internal since it can’t detect any eeprom.
So wonder what my options are?
Is it Intel FPT tool or ch341? Looks like the board have 2 bios chips so which one should i flash?
Where can I find Intel FPT tool for alderlake/raptorlake mb’s? Do not seem to find any download links.
Can be mistaken but i can only identify a GigaDevice SPI ic
This model should use Intel ME v16, usually the tool reads/dumps, writing is another issue… to read and understand the operations:
Within the start post of this thread you can find 2 other options (AFUWIN and AISuite methods).
You obviously have missed >this< thread.
P.S.: MeatWare was quicker than me. I am sorry for haven’t seen his reply earlier.