[Guide] HowTo Unlock a Tongfang Chassis BIOS


Thanks for trying, but I already left the laptop about two days with every power source disconnected and this behavior keeps happening.
Something deeper is going on here and I can’t for the life of me figure out what is it.

@Tuscani did you dump your EC Write to confirm the write was 100% what you gave it, to manually verify the write was good? What did you write anyway, I mean where did you get the file/data to write?
If write was 100% good, manually confirmed, then I would again write back the original BIOS dump you made and try again. If that does not work for you, send me a dump of this BIOS and tell me the exact setting you changed and I can change it back to default for you. If this is all that’s wrong then this will fix it
RE - RMA - These are from Walmart right? If yes, I doubt they would take the system apart to check for such things, so you may be OK if it comes to that.

@nlagee2191 - Thanks, and sorry for the delay! Please upload your biosreg to tinyupload.com or uploadfiles.io, I can’t download from Microsoft it always is just blank page for me (same as their hotmail/outlook now too!)
* Edit - Never mind, I finally got it to load the page and then after 1.5 hours trying I was able to make it finish downloading I will make BIOS for you tonight
Please confirm this is the MD5 for your BIOS so I know it’s OK, since you didn’t zip it up - 3274F70BDB27966699B9E020C15A5765
If it’s not, please zip and upload to one of the hosts mentioned above

Hello @Lost_N_BIOS ,

Thank you for your time on this. The MD5 did not match, so here is an encrypted zipped version. the pw is bios1234.

I attached the file to this post, and here is a tinyupload

biosreg.zip (3.7 MB)

@Lost_N_BIOS Thanks for all your effort.

I bought the laptop from Aliexpress from a sketchy store that no longer exists.
For the BIOS I have a good full dump of my modded bios that was working fine until I changed the CPU undervolt value to -200mv. And for the EC, I have my own confirmed bad dump that once I write it back to the EC chip it does not even turn on.
But with the files from this site wich I will upload as attachments so you can check them, I flashed those with the programmer and the laptop does turn on but with still with that endless loop behavior as if the CPU undervolt value was persistent somehow even with full BIOS flashing…

u8.BIN is the EC data and u20.BIN is the 1.04 BIOS data probably from MechRevo since it is the same stock version that my laptop came with in the first place.

Files flashed with USB Programmer.rar (5.21 MB)

@nlagee2191 - You’re welcome! That seems odd, since IDM rebuilt the file and it opens properly. Please confirm above file at post #23 MD5 is following, tinyupload is invalid link (FYI), if not then how you are getting MD5 must be unusual?
* edit - Yes, something in how you check MD5 is not correct, I get same MD5 with attached file at post #23 - 3274F70BDB27966699B9E020C15A5765
So, I will unlock this BIOS, please check back for edit here if you are reading this and do not see file linked below yet.

* Edit - @nlagee2191 - here is your unlocked BIOS, flash via FPTw.exe -bios -f biosregm.bin << - removed from -biosregm.bin (noted, for post posterity )

*** WARNING - This BIOS is user specific! If you are not user nlagee2191 at Win-RAID.com forum, DO NOT USE THIS BIOS!!
If you do, and you are not nlagee2191, then you will loose your serial, UUID, OG NVRAM, and possibly LAN MAC ID as well.
You have been warned!!!

WARNING - To ANYONE with laptop and unlocked BIOS!!! ***
DO NOT try to enable this graphics card or disable that card, switch cards etc. Otherwise you will end up with no display output (ie black screen) and no way to recover except by blind flash or with flash programmer.
You can change graphics related settings, like changing memory sizes, or core speeds etc, just don’t try to disable one card or change which is main etc.

@Tuscani - If you have BIOS region dump from before you changed this setting, then that is all you need to program back (+FD/ME and GbE if exist).
If that does not boot, then you have other issues, blown trace, resistor etc (this comment really only applies to before you did anything to EC, after that who knows) EC FW would have never been touched in any of this, other than when you removed/dumped/wrote etc (ie you shouldn’t have touched this)
Re-confirm your EC FW now matches what you originally dumped off there, but dumping it again and comparing with what you wrote. This way you manually confirm the write back is 100% same as what you dumped off it to begin with, if not you need to use other software version or ID to write to that chip.

Files from this site? The files here are usually BIOS region only most of the time, from users which you should not use.
And when BIOS region only you cannot program that to your chip without rebuilding it into a full BIOS first (FD, ME, GbE, then BIOS region)

Please send me ONLY your original dumped BIOS region before you had this issue, and also include your first programmer dump from the BIOS chip after this happened, before you wrote anything to the BIOS.
The above files I do not need to see, do not matter from how you describe them. ie “probably” and stock, neither of these terms should be used when considering programming BIOS, stock is not ideal when you have backups and “probably” should never be mentioned (only program “For sure” items )
OK, to be sure, I checked, and u20.bin is NOT stock BIOS, so you need to tell me exactly what that is before I can comment to you about this file. Mainly, to fix your issue, unless there is physical damage to something, I need the two files I requested above only

@Lost_N_BIOS - Yes, I have two region backups that I made with FPT before all this mess, one from the stock 1.04 MechRevo BIOS and other from 1.08 OverPowered .
The full bios is 16MB and the FPT dump is 10MB, can you tell me if I should change any options in CH341A Programm before I to write it to the chip with the USB programmer?.
I uploaded as attachment the backup that I made using FPT of the stock 1.04 BIOS to see if you can do some miracle with it.

biosreg104.rar (3.38 MB)

@Tuscani - Yes no worries, I know all about the BIOS regions and there sizes etc. Which BIOS/File in above package were you using last, before you did this, that was working properly?
Ahh, there is only one file there So, was this the last BIOS you were using and it was OK before you did all this?
If yes, program this back to BIOS chip, and then confirm the EC FW is OK how I mentioned above, then system should start, unless there is physical damage due to short during reprogram attempts, damaged solder pads, blown trace etc.


I was checking MD5 through Command prompt.
I flashed the bios as instructed, however I ended up with error 189 as shown in this screenshot


I just tried to re-flash the original as well, and got the same error.
I did make 1 change to the system recently, and that was disabling the Intel Optane Memory. I assume this made changed to the Bios somehow, and i’m unable to re-enable without formatting the drive.

I created a new Bios dump named biosreg3.bin, and was successful in re-flashing the Bios with it. I have attached that dump to this post as well.

biosreg3.zip (3.7 MB)

@nlagee2191 - Your image shows you are not at the correct explorer location that contains your BIOS/mod BIOS files (ie “File not found”, since you have browsed to the win32 windows folder for some reason).
Navigate to the correct folder which directly contains your FPTw.exe and your BIOS region files (put bios/mod bios in FPT folder)

I used hex editor to get MD5, but MD5 should be MD5?? Show me how to check via CMD like you did, thanks. Maybe I can see what’s going on there

I copied the folder WIN32 from the tools folder to my root C drive, and was running it from there. This is the WIN32 folder and contents in the screenshot.


When I changed the directory back to the original directory that I created it from, I still get the same result as shown in this screenshot:


I used command prompt and ran this to check the MD5:
certutil -hashfile [filename] MD5
Here was my output:


@nlagee2191 - Nothing is needed on C drive. However, you can leave/run it from C if you want, but then you need to run CMD prompt from that location instead of E.
In your images above 1-2, files are now on C, but you ran command from E, so if mod BIOS no longer on E = file does not exist error
But, I suggest you DO NOT put anything named Win32 on the C drive, because then it may get more confusing in CMD Prompt

Leave all files in place on your E Drive, put mod BIOS there too (I see it’s there in your screenshot), in FPT’s win32 folder on the E drive, run CMD prompt from that exact location
Select that exact Win32 folder, hold shift and press right click, choose open command window here (Not power shell).

If you are stuck on Win10 and cannot easily get command prompt, and method I mentioned above does not work for you, here is some links that should help
Or, copy all contents from the Flash Programming Tool \ DOS folder to the root of a USB Bootable disk and do the dump from DOS (FPT.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin)

Or here is simply registry edit that adds “Open command window here as Administrator” to the right click menu
Double-click to install, reboot after install may be required

The general reason for this error = File does not exist in location you are trying to run it from
From wherever you are in CMD Prompt, the mod BIOS is not located in that same folder you ran FPT.
So, wherever you run FPT from, also put mod BIOS into that same folder

* Edit, I ran MD5 same way you mentioned, and I get same MD5 as I did previously, so not sure why you are getting something different?

* Edit, If you’ve done that before ^^ maybe due to filename actual = biosregM vs what you put in CMD prompt = biosregm, but I’ve never seen CMD prompt be case sensitive like that

Nothing seems to work. However I am able to dump a new one, and flash it back. Just can’t flash the old one, or the modded one based off the old one. Its like the computer won’t accept it.


Actually I just figured it out…
I kept copying and pasting the command
FPTw.exe -bios -f -biosregm.bin

as you can see theres a - in the filename

@nlagee2191 - I’m still confused, there’s no extra - in the filename, not in what I sent you, not in your folder image, or the command image?

Ohh!!! I see what you mean now!!! It’s in my original post, AND all your images! Very sorry about that!! I will edit it out of that post now, so no one is confused if they run across that and try to use later.
I can’t believe I didn’t notice that in all the FPT attempt images you posted!

@Lost_N_BIOS - Seriously, thank you for all the effort that you have placed in helping me out trying to recover my mainboard. I really appreciate it.

I have programmed your hand crafted bios in to my motherboard and I’m still getting the same behaviour, it turns on for about 10 secs, turns off, turns on again, after 10 seconds keyboard lights up with a black screen and after about 90 seconds it turns off again and repeats the loop.
I have checked thoroughly for physical damages on the board just in case, but everything is perfect. Also this boot loop behaviour happened right after I undervolted the CPU, I did not take apart the laptop until after all this started, so the blown resistor, damaged track, etc, is very unlikely… but whatever I checked anyway without luck.

So the next step is try to contact TongFang and pray that they are willing to sell me a single motherboard.

@Tuscani - You’re welcome! Sorry to hear issue remains Did you dump the EC you wrote and make sure it matched via hex what you intended to write?
You wouldn’t be able to see damaged resistor or over-voltage protection circuit damage (from short while programming attempts etc)

Sorry to see nothing is working, I suspect there is something damaged during all this recovery process (ie chip removal, programmer connecting etc), that or the EC was not written properly.
I doubt they would sell you a board, but maybe you will get lucky Or, maybe they will let you RMA for repair?

While you dump the EC, I would also write the BIOS to the chip again, and then directly dump it without trying to power system on, then compare it in hex too with what you wrote, to be 100% sure the BIOS write went on properly too.

Hi @Lost_N_BIOS hope your doing well, I have a slight problem with my PCSpecialist Recoil II RT17 XT, there is a very common issue with the first GK7CP7S models that came out, where gpu power limit is capped on boot due to rubbish bios/ec implementation. To fix this issue temporarily the laptop has to be put into sleep mode then woken up again. GPU then uses full power and performs as it should. PCSpecialist found the solution by sending new bios updates for the GK7CP7S to users who complained on the PCSpecialist forum. The problem is this laptop has been bought from a joblot lol, I have no account with them and no bios to update to, emailed them and they turned me away, typical…

I have seen that another user with the same laptop uploaded his bios, it was PCSpecialist too but Recoil III instead as they ‘fixed’ this issue (lack of QC control for sure). Is it possible to flash his bios and EC and retain all bios serial numbers, wifi mac etc? I can give my bios and you could possibly Frankenstein them together.

I will perform a full dump via FPT, or better yet I’ll extract both bios and EC using a skypro, MUCH easier.

Thank you for all you’ve done btw.

BTW laptop has 8750H with full RTX 2070, vbios mod is being done too

Hi! do you remember me. My GK5CP6Z was taken to Tongfang after sale and replaced the motherboard. So the bios is back to its original state, the difference is that the serial number of the motherboard has changed. I would like to ask, can the previous bios file continue to be used?

@DaMafiaGamer - If you are sure that Recoil III BIOS works on your model, then yes you can use that BIOS/EC Combo. Send me that BIOS and your dumped BIOS, and I will put in your serial, MAC ID etc

@yaodao0yaodao - If you want to keep your current (new) serial then no, you can’t use old file. You also can’t use old MAC ID, so best you redo everything, dump current BIOS and send to me for a new edit.

Thank you for your detailed guideline @Lost_N_BIOS ! In Turkey we are using Monster notebook with TONGFANG chassis due to their great performance and you give us to chance getting more :slight_smile: You can find my system full BIOS Screenshot, System Info and dumped BIOS backup as a bin file. If anything missing to unlock the hidden settings in BIOS please let me know. Thank You!

Bios Backup as a bin file - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…332224766643661
System -

System info.png

Main -


Advanced -


Keyboard Light Feature -

Keyboard Light Feature.jpg

Security -


Boot -


One thing I have noticed: After restoring the settings of my bios in the exit menu I checked the keyboard light features immediately and they have been changed. During the review of posts in this thread someone make a point related to keyboard light and I found it worth to take a look. Also, I believe that the cause of the this alteration in the keyboard light features is the Control Center - or whatever name yours keyboard led light editor in windows with the brand of laptop. So, it could not be related to BIOS difference just a result of your settings in this control application in Windows I believe.

After the BIOS Settings Restore → Keyboard Light Feature -

After Restore.jpg

One thing I want to ask: Before taking a backup by using FTP, I have taken a backup with afuwin64 Aptio V and the extension of this backup file was .rom then I read the FTP guide and take a backup with it as a bin file and no problem - also I was able to restore it with FTP no problem :wink: - after that I noticed that the sizes of these two backup are same - 6144 KB -. So I want to ask that could they be used interchangeably I mean could I just change the extension of .rom to .bin and then flash it FTP or vice versa? Just Curiosity nothing important :S

Thanks in advance

@Lost_N_BIOS I believe you helped a member named @TheRiddick with unlocking his Tongfang GK5C6X EVOO LP5 (OP version 2). Do I follow your instructions in OP and then upload a dump and you modify the file? Hoping the mention of a failed unlock was a rare event. I’ve never unlocked a computer/laptop but have unlocked various devices from routers, game consoles, computer drives, to cars with no issue while following online tutorials.

I’m hoping to just unlock c8-c10 sleep states. I hope that is an option that’s available with this laptop/ unlocked BIOS.