[Guide] HowTo Unlock a Tongfang Chassis BIOS

It’s all there now if you want to do it yourself, redownload the MOD-BIOS-Files link, your model BIOS files are in there now Pay attention at AMITSE and AMITSE/SetupData, I extracted body not As-is, so you’ll need to replace that same way

Big thanks! I am happy now with my Notebook :+1:

Only one question. Why people must use two version UEFITool? All changed only in Regular version.

@mediadoctor - thank you for report back, good to hear you are happy with BIOS and system now! Please be careful, do not try to enable or disable graphics controllers, switch which is main etc. Doing that will leave you with black screen and no way to recover except blind reflash or by using hardware flash programmer.
You do not have to use two different UEFITools, I used both for the guide and suggested maybe using both if you wanted, because it’s easier to see exactly what is what for some things (Sometimes). Sometimes in the regular (Non-NE version) the modules do not always have same names or GUID’s etc.
Regular (Non-NE) is the only one you can make changes with, the NE version has more inspection, details, and info results usually so that is why I use it for everything except any actual edits.

If released new version of Bios can i make mod with all steps or i need new 3 modded files?

New BIOS version usually needs mod redone, due to file size/structure changes. This is not always true, but in most cases it will be. When new version comes out let me know and I can check for you.

Hi everyone, I will update the bios of my GJ5CN6E from 1.04 to Avell A52-5 BS BIOS N.1.10.
Does someone have the stock bios?



@SandroMarciano - Sorry, I do not have it, I created the mod files from FPT dump @gabrielmartinslima sent me, maybe they have stock package they can upload for you.
If not, contact manufacturer and ask for BIOS update in email, if they send and it’s different version upload for me and I will re-update the guide


Can you add my XMG Neo 15 - M19 rtx 2060 model

Here is the link for bios:

Thank You and More Power

@cloudstar - what is model name, like GK5CN6X for example, so I can add to front page in similar style as the others
If you are not going to mod the BIOS yourself (after I make the edited mod files), you will need to send me your FPT BIOS region dump so I can modify it for you then you flash it back.

Actually, I see the only stock update method provided with this BIOS is AFU and that wont flash mod BIOS so you can’t use stock modified BIOS to flash in the mod. So you will have to dump with FPT, modify, then reflash
Follow what I outline at first post steps #1-3, make FPT dump and send to me, I will mod it and send back to you so you can reflash it as you see at step #16. Or, are you doing to do the mod (BIOS rebuild) yourself once I edit the main unlock edits on the files for you

@ Lost_N_Bios

Thank You for your response. I attached the FTP dump file of my bios. as for the model of the laptop here it is : GK5CP0Z2
Can you mod it so I can reflash it, I am not good in doing mode myself. Thank You.

Here is my dump bios file:


@cloudstar - OK, I will mod your FPT dump for you - Please host that file at another site, zippyshare always injects HTML/ScrInject.B trojan if you do not block it and when you do block it then you can’t load site to download files

@Lost_N_BIOS s

Thank You. I zipped it and uploaded here.



I also uploaded the file here in this thread. I think its better.

biosreg.rar (3.71 MB)

@cloudstar - thanks, mediafire would be fine. Your BIOS does not match the version you uploaded, have you flashed that BIOS already? If not, flash it now, using stock method (F.nsh) NOT FPT, and then send me new FPT dump once you’ve updated
This is not due to you dumping vs stock, I mean certain modules (several) that should be same size as stock BIOS (if you flashed same one you linked me to), should be same exact size/files and they are not.
Also, your BIOS has older internal build date than one you linked me to >> 4/18/2019 vs 6/5/2019, so that explains why I noted the above

I could mod your BIOS directly and carry on, making stock BIOS also, but this is not ideal and makes more work for me and possible confusion for you and or others later.
Best you flash the latest stock BIOS you linked me to first, then send me a new dump

Here is your mod BIOS paused due to above - waiting your reply. For anyone else you know with same model I’ll be adding that to the guide/files on post #1 shortly + XMG Fusion 15 and Eluktronics MAG 15 as well
Main x2, ADV x2, Chipset, Boot x2, New Exit
Flash it via >> FPTw.exe -f biosregm.bin


Sorry but please proceed to moding the file I gave you. I think that is the correct one. Actually my original unit is eluktronics mech-15 g2r, but I cannot find the bios download of this so i link the one in the xmg website thinking that i was the same. I can flash it and if it work i will update you to add this unit in the main page.

Thank You

It’s not same, so my original thoughts apply, and I would rather you flash that stock BIOS you gave me first, and send me new dump, since you want me to do the mod for you (it’s a must anyway, I can’t give you other BIOS mod until you flash to it first)
Yes, it will work, flash that stock BIOS first, send me new dump, I will mod and send back to you and then add that model to the guide (not your original model BIOS, since it’s not same and we don’t have stock - too confusing for others this way, risky etc)


Done flashing the bios that I gave you. here is the new dump file of my bios.

My unit is eluktronics mech-15 g2r i7-9750 rtx 2060.

biosregNew.rar (3.71 MB)

@cloudstar - thanks! Sorry, I meant to ask like I did here, and seems I forgot to ask you [SOLVED] How to unlock BIOS options of rebranded TONGFANG chassis systems? (25)
BIOS is a mess I need to see BIOS images, one of each main page you can see. Can you please take some images, and please put in zip, and make small images if you know how too, I only need quick look, no need for 3-5MB images.
I just mainly need to see one image of each main page (Like main, advanced, boot, exit etc) Thanks, and sorry again for the delays!


See attached pictures of my bios. Is this good enough? or do you need more?

Thank you.





@Lost_N_BIOS hello, could you also help me to unlock other hidden bios menu on the XMG NEO 15 M19, I7 9750H 1660TI, THANK YOU.
the fpt bios is dumped and attached below.

biosreg.rar (3.78 MB)






@cloudstar - please put those in a zip, then I can answer you if that is all I need or not. From quick glance at those thumbnails, it doesn’t look like everything I wanted to see is there. I need to see one image of each main page/tab of the BIOS.

@lunlau - yes, thanks, can you also please put everything into a zip or 7zip etc. Also, for your system, can you link me to stock BIOS, so I have a copy in case anyone needs later.