[Guide] Manual AMI UEFI BIOS Modding

It’s OK. Thanks, I will check. He maybe unlocked some settings (made visible) on menu sections that are already visible, but didn’t unlock/unhide any hidden menus which is what we’re after.
That is a LONG thread, is it dedicated only to this board? If yes, then maybe spend time to look through each page and see if anyone unlocks menu sections or not. I looked through first few pages, he only talks about editing settings which we can already do, no making visible hidden BIOS menus

Is it possible for me to modify the below UEFI BIOS with the MMTOOL 4.50 in order to update the UEFI version? This LGA1155 based board (Intel H61 chipset) won’t boot with newer GPU’s. I tried GTX500 series up to GTX 1000 series and it won’t boot, instead spitting out a CMOS Error instead. But it boots fine with older GPU’s including my HD5870, my 8800GTZ and my 8400GS. So I assume it has to do with how old the UEFI version is maybe? I do NOT have a copy of the BIOS file either, so I would need to back it up from the machine somehow first.

This is the Core version with UEFI 2.3.1

Screenshot of the BIOS Information page

What is the system, lets look at stock BIOS updates first.

There is no stock BIOS update to find bud. I obviously would have tried that first. It is a SOYO SY-I6H-L V4.0 and the company is defunct. My client wants to use his new GTX1060 on it but it immediately freezes with an error, so did a 750Ti, a 650Ti and a 550Ti (which was updated with a UEFI compliant bios recently). The HD5870, 8800GTZ and a 8400GS all worked fine. The board, as far as I can tell already has the latest BIOS for it G1.1L, and it runs really good with his i7-2600K.

Is MMTOOl 4.50 the tool for this AMI Aptio BIOS? That is all I need to know. I used MMTOOL 4.50 on my LGA755’s and LGA1366 boards, but I am not sure if it is the tool for LGA1155 Intel 6 series based boards. I guess it doesn’t hurt to just see if the tool works or not. Thanks

I thought maybe we could find some stock package with Google-Fu Are all those cards UEFI BIOS?

There is two major newer kinds of Aptio (4/IV and 5/V), open the BIOS in UBU and it will tell you which type it is. Get a backup with AFU or Intel FPT, then check with UBU.
AMIBCP 4.55.0070 & AMIBCP 5.02.0023 are the latest AMIBCP versions for Aptio 4/5 and MMTool latest are MMTool v4.50.0.23 / 5.02.0024 (find patched version). Yes, tools will either open or not, no harm done checking.

OK Thanks. I may have been wrong on the tool version I last used because now my brain is telling me that I actually used 3.22 before. Not sure if the versions are different in appearance or not. The only boards I ever bothered to mod were 755 and 1366 because those Xeons were just so dang cheap, lol. Unfortunately I have my home server offline, so I can’t even double check what versions of mmtool I have stored, but I know I have a very large tool chest of bios tools, so hopefully I already have what I need.

As far as I can tell it is failing with UEFI GPU’s (which is causing me to scratch my head in wonder), but not failing with BIOS based GPU’s, which is what led me to here again. I can’t wrap my head around it and I been working on thousands of computers for 31 years straight now. I thought maybe the pcie slot wasn’t providing enough power for his 1060, but both the 8800GTZ and HD5870 draw way more power than the 550Ti. And what is even more weird is the fact that the 550Ti is the only GPU that I actually flashed a modded UEFI compliant BIOS onto it because I needed it for a few weeks on my Ryzen system (and was hoping for faster bootup), while I was getting an RMA on my main GPU. Now I wonder if I flash back to the original BIOS on that GPU would it suddenly work on his old SOYO board? LOL, makes you wonder no…

They do all look similar, MMTool version look alike, same for AMIBCP. If you can’t find tool you need in google, shoot me a PM. I suspected that, about UEFI BIOS, but I am not sure how to fix that in the BIOS.
What I think might work is if you can get BIOS rom on the cards instead of or in combination with the UEFI rom, one of those ways should fix it.
I’m betting @Sylar76 can help, if not ask @lordkag or make post/request in this thread - AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY) (41)

So yes, your last thoughts are right along with what I was thinking, if you already have BIOS version rom for one of the cards start there, flash it back on and test.

Yeah I think taking my 550Ti back to normal bios would at least answer the question. But the other GPU’s he did not ship to me so I can only take him at his word that the 600 series through the 1000 series didnt work, and that the error was the same one I got. I have other UEFI cards I could test but that means dismantling them out of working systems, which I don’t want to do. So I will test my theory on this 550Ti since it is the only card I currently have that can be flashed either way. I also have a 290 Vapor-X which has TWO BIOS’s onboard, one UEFI and one Legacy BIOS and it uses a physical switch to select one or the other, but then its in an important machine that cant be shut down, lol. Oh well.

Thanks for the info…

I agree, best place to start! Then if it works, you’ll have to figure out a way, hopefully, to get legacy vBIOS onto the other cards. Surely this is possible. Post back and let us know once you test, may help someone out later with similar situation.

Wouldn’t it be much easier to just fix the motherboards bios instead? Insert newer efi modules etc? I never modded a UEFI bios before, only have experience with DUET and Clover. Lol

I don’t know, don’t think so? I’ve never seen or heard of anyone updating UEFI version, like I’ve never seen a BIOS module/update thread/discussion for that.
vBIOS yes, but that’s onboard graphics modules, or vBIOS on graphics cards, I am not sure what the module is in motherboard BIOS that holds this kind of compatibility stuff.

Hmm, interesting. I never bothered to upgrade my Rampage III Extreme (X58 system w/Xeon) to a newer UEFI based machine until this year (just didn’t need it). And all my older systems were either as far back as LGA775’s or X68 or X58’s, and a few older AM3 systems. This year, in fact only a few months ago I finally sold my ASUS Rampage+XEON to a overclocker at Overclock.net and replaced it with a Ryzen 5 2600X and a new Asrock AM4 board (I just wanted something different and newer). This week is the first time I have the opportunity to learn a little bit about built-in UEFI… FINALLY!!!

Anyway, I just figured that the UEFI version was kinda like updating a OS. Guess I should stop doing this “figuring” thing before doing this “research” thing :wink: But then again, that is exactly why I am here today… research

I just finished installing Windows on this old board so now it’s time to use this UBU or UEFITool. Maybe I should “try” updating some modules/microcodes anyway, just in case it helps?

By the way, this is what I get with the UEFI video card installed. If I do not hit DEL key fast enough it just sits there for a few minutes and then shuts down. If I hit the DEL key it enters BIOS properly for me to do whatever. Still trying to find that magic setting in the BIOS to get around the issue, but even if I DISABLE vBIOS/Onboard Graphics etc and enable only PEG, I still get the error below. If I remove all video cards and use the Integrated Graphics in the CPU, it just works with a proper Motherboard Splash screen and then boots to Windows without any issues.

Interestingly, sysinfo says the BIOS is running Legacy Mode, but GPU-Z shows that the iGPU has a UEFI module embedded. So if the built in iGPU is running in UEFI mode, I wonder why I can’t run other UEFI peg cards?

Well to me UEFI version doesn’t have a concrete meaning, I think of UEFI as BIOS, so BIOS version is what I think of when updating UEFI. Your image and UEFI version/compliancy is something totally different, that is what I was referring to not knowing how to update UEFI Version.
In general now though, that would simply mean update BIOS to most.

Maybe the CPU vBIOS module GPU-z is seeing is only what’s in the actual BIOS, I assume this. Send me the stock G1.1L BIOS, I can’t download it from their site anymore, I’ll check and see what vBIOS is in there.

Hello everyone, I have a small problem. Following this guide I updated the bios file (UBU), then activated ai tweaker using AMIBCP4.55.0070 but it wouldn’t show up. After researching I found that you need to flip a bit using hex editor to enable the hidden menu, but after doing so and flashing the new bios I was greeted with a new menu (it prints out the Realtek Lan description) and the computer is making a high pitched sound.

But wait it gets even weirder, now i cant save or discard the settings, or exit the bios. Ok no problem, i just flash the original bios and be done, right?
Wrong… I flashed the original bios, everything is fine, until you load optimized defaults. Then the bios reverts to the previous state (high pitch, realtek menu option). Doesn’t the original bios rewrite everything? Can anyone tell me what I’ve done wrong?
Also, had to flash with ASUS easy update since AFUWIN says: ERROR: BIOS does not support AFU

My motherboard is https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/P8H61I_R20/ but it is from a prebuilt https://www.asus.com/sg/Tower-PCs/CP3130/

Should I try reflashing an old bios version, then updating to a newer one?

Any help would be appreciated,

best regards

How did you flash the initial problematic BIOS, what tool or method? Flash older/stock BIOS that same way again. If that fails to fix, clear CMOS with battery out for 5-10 minutes, power supply disconnected too, short CMOS pins and leave that way. Then put it all back together and load optimized, if still same then you may need to flash with FPT if AFU is not working for you, although I’m sure you can find correct AFU version if you want, many versions and they are BIOS type specific so you probably just grabbed wrong one.

Yes, original BIOS would re-write everything if flashed a certain way, sometimes some flashing methods only overwrite certain sections, that’s why I said reflash same way.

I understand and know how to properly do all the modding you mentioned, please explain to me in brief summary what you did, so I can see if it sounds correct. Please also attach the problem BIOS so I can see the edit, and fix for you if possible.
Did you test BIOS after UBU mod, before doing the AITweaker mod? I ask because of what you mentioned about audio, did you update audio with UBU? If you did, then that probably may be separate from the non-working AITweaker menu edit.

Also, show image and or explain more about this Realtek LAN menu? Did you update that with UBU too?

Yes, for now I would reflash old version BIOS, after long clearing of CMOS as mentioned above.

What BIOS are you using, one for the motherboard you linked, or proper one for the main system?

Hello, thank you for your quick and in-depth response.

I went step by step, and posted the pictures here https://imgur.com/a/K2DQXwE

Hope you can make some sense out of this

Best regards

edit: im using the cp3130 bios, since the normal one wont flash to this motherboard
edit2: here is the bios file you requested (only UBU updates, no menu tweaks) https://www80.zippyshare.com/v/7LgsQ1Yt/file.html

You’re welcome! I will look at all this tonight and get back to you with answers, and a good BIOS hopefully
Can you add additional image of a large portion of the hex area you are doing the menu edit in, so I can see hex and column on right of text too.
Maybe not correct section (or module, sometimes it’s the sub-GUID under PE32), but hard to tell without larger image, of course I will know more tonight when I look at actual BIOS, so you don’t have to add image now that I think of that.
Obviously that’s not the correct 00 to change to 01, hopefully I can find the correct one for you

Did long clearing CMOS and reflash to stock BIOS help?

I hope this is what you asked for https://imgur.com/a/YOCiv82
Truth be told I didn’t reflash the stock bios or clear the cmos because its working fine if you dont load optimized defaults