[Guide] Transfer of specific Intel OROM VBIOS and GOP VBT settings by using Intel BMP tool

You had to use the script snm_2170.bsf, since the size of VBT 2165 == 2170.

VVIOS2170_Jest.rar (42.8 KB)

I updated bios and it works, but in HWinfo under video adapter "video BIOS version" is Unknown.

If you use UEFI mode, the OROM VBIOS version will not be displayed.

Ok, this explains everything.

Thank you very much.


My desktop mother broad is MSI Z77A-G45 (MS-7752) Rev 1.1. An Intel SandyBridge i3-2100 is installed on it. I have the following questions:

1) Your guide says "For Desktop DevID SNB-102, IVB-162, HSW/BDW-402,412,c02,c12". Should I select "8086,162" for my SandyBridge as it should be for IvyBridge?

1 - 8080,162.jpg

2) In my case, version VBT - " A6 00" -> A6 (v1.66); size VBT - "0E 0F" -> 0F0E (3854 byte) ; 2137 version OROM

2 - 2137.jpg

Am I right to select "snd_2137.bsf"?

3 - snd_2137.bsf.jpg

3) Why the "VBT Information" in Intel Binary Modification Programm (IBMP) shows "VBT version: 165", not 166 (A6 -> v1.66)? Is it normal or abnormal?

4 - VBT version 165.jpg

5 - VBT versions.jpg

4) Should I set "Chipset Selection>VBIOS Configuration for Chipset" to "Sandybridge Desktop" for my Sandybridge CPU?

6 - Sandybridge Desktop.jpg

one string of the output file is different according to this setting: IVB -> $Chipset 13; SNB -> $Chipset 11

7 - compare ssf.jpg

Thanks for your kindly attention :slight_smile:

On motherboards with chipset 7th always basically DevID 162. This is normal.

I do not know why Intel suggests using the script version 1.65. All the files are original, provided by Intel.
Yes, versions OROM VBIOS, and the script must be the same.

This is normal. The program displays a message version of the script, not the OROM.

No. Leave as is.

Thank you very much. I have successfully modified the VBIOS with your help.

[[File:Mod VBIOS (E7752IMS.2C2).jpg|none|auto]]

Mod VBIOS (E7752IMS.2C2).jpg

Anyone able to reupload the Intel BMP?, the link is down :frowning:


Look >here<.

Collection OROM and BSF-scripts.
Strange problems with storage on SendSpace and RGHost. One server is lost, and on the other does not upload. So I upload here.

OROM_and_BSF.rar (2.59 MB)

i want to update the VBIOS in this BIOS B85M%20Pro4(2.40)ROM

Can you tell me if i do this.

Sorry for the bad English

Thank You

Congratulations. :slight_smile:

Please help me
I encountered such a situation after the update VBIOS

After updating intel VBIOS LucidLogix Virtu MVP show Lost License

Looks like there’s a password on the VBIOS_and_BSF.rar that’s on RGHost, which I can’t find anywhere.

Also, could you please expand upon what you mean with:

These versions also have the mark

in the docx. I can’t figure out what either of this exactly means for upgrading.

In my case I have Haswell-Broadwell 1028 – can I upgrade to 1039? If I apply the transfer.ssf I extracted (from a Gigabyte M1.Sniper M5 T01 bios) I get a bunch of red books (with yellow pen) if I apply it to both the 1028 and 1039 files as found in your archive.

Don’t those red books in BMP simply mean that it has applied a setting it found in transfer.ssf in a way that altered the default? Does your

mean there should never be such red book icons?

My transfer.ssf: mediafire

@ nwwt
Password for file "VBIOS_and_BSF.rar" on RGHost - vbios
Send an original VBIOS.

Thanks, I did notice that the same file on SendSpace doesn’t have a password and just took the files from it.

As for my other questions, I kind of answered them myself by flashing the modded bios to my mainboard’s backup bios chip – and it works! GPU-Z still reports “BIOS version 1028” when booted for the main bios chip, but now “1039” when booted from the backup chip.

Thanks for your guide!

edit: One more question though – is there a changelog somewhere that shows what changed between the versions?

Collection OROM VBIOS and BSF added Skylake v1026-1029.

For Z170, do I have to use Uefitool to extract the vbios, right? Does someone know in which module is it, please? Thanks!

Hello! Having my Sandybridge VBIOS update from v2104 to 2170 I got a problem with panel fitting algorithm (scaling of screen resolutions in DOS became narrow) since version 2120 or higher. According to Release Notes 2120 “Please refer to VBIOS SPS for changes to System BIOS INT15 hook 5F34 and INT10 function 5f61”, I’ve found the “5F34h - Set Panel Fitting Hook” option enabled in my VBIOS settings. Is it safe to disable this option to allow BMP default settings without System Bios errors or crashing?

PS: Solved with disabled hook.

UBU found two instances for OROM VBIOS:
-OROM VBIOS Sandy/Ivy Bridge - 2119
-OROM VBIOS Sandy/Ivy Bridge - 2111
-EFI GOP Driver - Not present

I updated the first one from 2108 to 2119, it is device ID 102 (as expected).
With MMTool i extracted the second OROM, it has the size 0FAC (=4012), DevID 106 (mobile? Its a desktop mobo). Ideas?

To extract the poll can use MMTool.
But for replacements UEFITool.