[Guide] Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor Read/Write Access Permissions for SPI Servicing

I’ll be direct on my words…
this forum is not, in any way lost without the very appreciated user Lost_N_BIOS, we do all regret his absence.

You’re not the first one to express such comments, but i do miss him for his skill… but users like you and a bunch of them that expressed the same opinion, aren’t being true enough… what old and new users miss… is his more than good will and time, for doing all the hard work to all users requests, i do not consider the Win-Raid forum a “gift” shop, never did and never will, i joined here for the source of information and shared resources, it is a lack of respect for all that come with such ideias in their mind, against all the guides written, shared development information, shared free tools developed, the lost time provided by users trying to help and explaining “how to” etc etc etc…
If it was a “gift” shop this forum was doomed and would become a “zombie forum” without any interests…

Any way, this is all just my opinion and my stand.
A merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, good luck.


I just created an account to thank the Author, this helped me a lot with my issue svf15213cdw r0250da ME version My laptop shuts off after about 30 mins, although I am no longer able to login to bios after re Flashing the ME region of my laptop but I can now use it for hours and it does not shut off. I may continue to troubleshoot but for the meantime as long as I am able to use the laptop with no issues I am good with it, and thats all thanks to this thread. If anyone is curious I used the “pinmod” method described in E1 of this thread .

Again thanks to this thread I am able to use my laptop properly with the exception of no bios access but I am ok with it for now.


You might want to attach your original dump and the ‘fixed’ firmware, I might have a look into it.

Is this a 2nd or 3rd gen Intel machine Sony Vaio?

Sure I will attach it later when I get home. I think this is a 3rd gen but will verify when I get home.

@ lfb6
So since I am a new user I am not allowed to upload any files over here but if you need the file I have uploaded it on my google drive and the link is below.


I made the folder viewable by anyone who has the link. A Picture of the “Pin Mode” is also inside the folder for your reference and a screenshot of the command prompt when I did the whole dump of the current bios. The zip file has the original spi which is the faulty bin file where it shut offs after 30 mins and the “fixed spi”. I also included a cpu z screenshot for your reference.

I wasn’t aware of that you just flashed the bios of another machine with an older bios version. The proper way to handle this would’ve been to reconfigure / clean the ME region of your dump according to

Re- using an ME region that was initialized on another machine even if these machines are completely identical might work or might work partially or might not work at all.

If cleaning the ME region of the original firmware doesn’t solve the bios problem one might start with an empty “stock” NVRAM in bios region.

I apologize if I did not provide the full details, as you can see I was so desperate in fixing the issue that it took me months to fix this issue. (Also because I lost my enthusiasm since I am unable to find a conventional way to fix this.) So after reading a lot of forums I was able to find a BIOS dump of the same board model. As a result I just extracted the ME region of that bios and used it on my bios. But originally after doing the pinmod I was also able to extract the ME region of the original spi bin and compared it to the newly extracted ME region and they look exactly the same. With that in mind I was originally thinking that it was the DESC region that I should change and just enable read but after doing that nothing happened so I just decided to flash the new ME region to replace the old one although they are the exact same thing based on ME Analyzer. So I ended up with a working laptop with no bios access, so I guess my steps were incomplete. Thanks for the incite I will work on cleaning the ME region when I have some time and will update here. Thanks again.

What is the serial of your original machine?

I am working today so I will be able to provide it later when I get home. Thanks

Missing PMC, unconfigured vs initialized

Asking seriously?

Even if this might be it’s not a reason for calling people names

“Will it OK to flash it” sounds like you want to flash it unchanged?

Anyway, good luck with your project!

@jeremiahsears @metaverse

image image


@jeremiahsears I have removed your post that was not very friendly towards a well known and respected forum member that was genuinely trying to help you.

It is impossible to know the technical knowledge and abilities of newer forum members without asking questions - so please try not to take offence to questions directed at you from those trying to help you.

Remember, forum members give their time freely out of good spirit to help others and create this community, if you are unhappy with the response(s) received either ignore the response or politely respond as to why it is not helpful and the type of help you need.

It also appears that you created two accounts to appease yourself when you could have further explained what you needed help with or simply stated that you have solved the issue instead.

I would much prefer to be welcoming you to this community than making this post, so please keep the above points in mind in any future posts.


I’ll leave the BAN/BLOCK decision for higher moderation Admins… im too “impulsive” on this decisions and “boils” my blood more than it should

Thank you very much for having detected this bad game played by a person using the usernames jeremiahsears and metaverse with different IP addresses.
I just have deleted them both and blocked the related IP addresses.

Since you have started this thread, I want to let you know about the recent trouble with a certain Forum member. It is up to you to “clean” the last posts.


Thanks everyone (@lfb6, @MeatWar, @chinobino, @Fernando)! I think the offending posts (and equivalent users) have been dealt with, so I’m good with leaving the rest in place. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

The serial is 54577157 0014074
I also uploaded a pic on the drive. Got so busy with other things so it took me a while to reply.

Thanks! You may want to try this firmware, bios region has the machine specific information, ME region is re- confugured, that should solve these problems.

Good luck!

outimage.zip (2.9 MB)


No man, Thank you!! I just re flashed your image and everything is fixed. I am now able to login to the bios no problems.

If you don’t mind me asking, I just wanted to know how were you able to do do it. So far the things I will try when I get a free time is the procedure of cleaning the ME region. Not that I want to encounter this issue in the future again but just want to learn a few things.

Once again thank you, your awesome!! :+1:

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Your welcome. Those old bioses are quite predictable and good documented.

Use the guide to reconfigure / clean the ME and take the stock NVRAM volume, that’s all.