[Guide] Using CH341A-based programmer to flash SPI EEPROM

Sir… in which post of yours from last 7 days, did you mentioned or asked for any file/tool linked to the forum past user Lost_N_BIOS Guru (Retired) ???

I only see a request for a similar adapter for Asus like the one linked for MSI header…
Care to explain the post #774

Now regarding your flash attempts, verification is not done with the app/device… JFYI…
Desolder the IC and check it outside the PCB, if still fails it may be damaged.

The tool you quoted is exactly the tool mentioned by LnB.
Still, not sure I understand.

As per your advice, I do not want to desolder anything, that is why I need the tool in the first place.

Probably it is me and my poor English.

Thanks anyway.

Sorry… i quote it? Where?
Just write the name of it cause i really can’t figure it out…

My dear friend, it is this one attached.
You quoted it when you reply with my message. It is clearly visible.

But again, nevermind.
This request is becoming incredibly weird.

You better switch translator…

Thanks for the advice.
And to be so polite by the way.

Anytime, polite and straight to the subject is my MO, all the best.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Asus Z490-P issues