Help asrock z390 Phantom Gaming X LLC PROBLEM

Hello I have two asrock MB z390 Phantom Gaming itx and z390 Phantom Gaming x.

At level 1 LLC itx versión has very little vdroop while his Big high-end sister has much more vdroop and is overclocking needing more voltage and much more unstable ( same CPU,ram, xmp profile, core,uncore …)

How can this be posible?
Can a mod bios reduce that vdroop?

Phantom Gaming x has a lot of more phases …

Thanks in advance

This is something you should test all BIOS version of the problematic one and find one you like in regards to vDroop, then update that BIOS as needed if it’s an older BIOS.
Other than that, only thing you can do is contact Asrock directly and see if they will adjust it for you

Same LLC behaviour between all BIOS !
I can not understand this vdroop bigger than itx version.
I wrote asrock forum and asrock directly and no answer… I am still waiting four days ago. GG asrock.