I want to update the firmware of my configuration and I am a little lost.
A user of the forum will be able to make a bios MODS Platform BIOS AMI Aptio 4 with the good Version: Update Intel CPU MicroCode, Intel OROM VBIOS and EFI GOP Driver, Intel RST (e) OROM and SataDriver EFI, LAN LAN OROM PXE and EFI UNDI …
Thank you.
My current System :
MB : ASUSTeK Z97-WS, CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K Haswell, Disk Drives : SSD 256Gb Samsung 950 Pro M2 NVMe + 1 TB WD Raptor RAID 0, Graphics : NV 1070 + Intel HD Graphics 4600, OS : Win10 Pro x64
Z97-WS-ASUS-2704.zip (5.6 MB)