i buy an Dell Optiplex 5060 (i5 8500, chipset Q370) and a processor I9 9900 (same TDP like I5 8500)
in the BIOS the I9 microcode is missing…but it is in the Optiplex 7070.
please i need a new BIOS !!! Please Please
Latest bios has support for 9Th (i3/5/7 but not 9 cpuID, still the microcode ID (0226EDEA) is the same already present)
This bios has Intel Boot Guard with RSA enable, almost sure that u cannot edit/flash a mod bios.
But u can wait for other opinions.
regular desktop i9’s on that mb and psu is bad idea. tdp is too high. u will kill your mb even if u have best psu ever.
cc150 (server 3.5Ghz 8c/16t i9 for nvidia cloud with disabled turboboost) have only 2w difference in field tests.
i already made this upgrade using manual from here https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepingOptiplex/comments/1hsajf2/confirmed_upgrade_to_i99900_nvidiaintel_cc150_95w/