Help me to add an I9 9900 on Dell Optipplex 5060

i buy an Dell Optiplex 5060 (i5 8500, chipset Q370) and a processor I9 9900 (same TDP like I5 8500)
in the BIOS the I9 microcode is missing…but it is in the Optiplex 7070.
please i need a new BIOS !!! Please Please

Latest bios has support for 9Th (i3/5/7 but not 9 cpuID, still the microcode ID (0226EDEA) is the same already present)
This bios has Intel Boot Guard with RSA enable, almost sure that u cannot edit/flash a mod bios.
But u can wait for other opinions.

regular desktop i9’s on that mb and psu is bad idea. tdp is too high.

cc150 (server 3.5Ghz 8c/16t i9 for nvidia cloud with disabled turboboost) have only 2w difference in field tests. if stock dell turbine cant handle that power, its possible to disable couple cores in bios.

i already have that cpu(bought from China for 60$), but stock Dell bios halting system without microcode update.

tryin to flash update for last 9th gen r0 stepping and 906ED microcode using manual for optiplex 70x series on that forum, but i need to know address range.
without address range bricking almost guaranteed.
70x topic starter promised update for 5060, but nothing until now(((