Help needed unbricking AMD-board ECS D3F3-EM, Kaveri, FM2+ Aptio4


i bricked/damaged an older AMD-based MoBo while installing a modified bios. It is an OEM-PC from Medion. :unamused:

  • I dumped the actual bios w/ “BIOS backup tools 20d”, what used “AFUWIN” (Platform: Ami Aptio4), Intel FPT not supported, because it is AMD-chipset
  • Modified the dump to get full SLIC table
  • Tried to flash the file under Windows w/ factory tool (AFUWIN 3.04.01) with commands /p /b /n /r, what did not work due to a secure flash restriction.
  • Flashing started w/ commands /p /b /n /r /capsule /recovery
  • After restart the machine was bricked, only fan turning.
  • Unsoldered the SPI-chip (Winbond 25Q64FV), the read-out was totally messed up
  • I erased the chip and tried several bios-images (the unmodified dump, factory files for update, also with capsule filled with 0x00), but the machine seems to be dead, no startup, only turning fan.

Any ideas to get it to work again? I can’t believe a modded bios destroyed the hardware.
Link to the product: MEDION Service

A software flash shouldn’t give a ‘messed up’ result, are you sure you did read the chip properly?

Otherwise little to say without the files / dumps. General rule is that a unchanged stock firmware properly flashed should work…

Yes, i dumped the SPI several times and compared in hex-editor, always sam result. I attached both files, dump from Backup Tool and chip read-out.
SPI was immediately recognized by CH341 and NeoProgrammer-software and i was able to erase and reprogram it. I also used a brand new 25Q64FV, but unfortunately same result with no start-up.

Look w/ UEFITool the first and second padding areas, only one volume is recognized (NVRAM)… (259.2 KB) (2.1 MB)

As written- if properly flawshed an unchanged stock firmware should do or your last working backup. Those ‘flashed several images’ machines tend unfortunately often to stay dead / have problems no longer firmware related.

What did you want to change in the BIOS and why? The content saved by the programmer (spi-dump-bricked_.bin) is really rubbish. No wonder the machine doesn’t work. Besides, a faulty BIOS can cause a failure that is irreversible.


only full SLIC-table, the factory bios has no working SLIC due to an empty marker (in file GUID: 69009842-63F2-43DB-964B-EFAD1C39EC85).

As written- if properly flawshed an unchanged stock firmware should do or your last working backup. Those ‘flashed several images’ machines tend unfortunately often to stay dead / have problems no longer firmware related.

Not images from other/different machines, but all factory bios. Those 2 are available: Gelöst: BIOS Update-Suche – Seite 2 - MEDION Community
I also tried the same w/ emptied capsule (Subtype GUID: 5A88641B-BBB9-4AA6-80F7-498AE407C31F).

i partially solved the problem. :smiley:

Mainly issue was the brick, which was gone after reflashing the backupped bios file, but i don’t know why. The board was stored a few weeks without SPI and battery.