[Help Request] How to update the AMD Microcode?

I spent many hours trying to add new Microcode in a bios to support Ryzen 9000 series. I have 2 motherboard type from Supermicro, the H13SAE-MF that have the bios update to support Ryzen 9000, and the H13SRD-F that doesn’t have the bios update. So with guide in this site, i dumped the new Microcodes from the H13SAE-MF bios, but i can’t add them to the H13SRD-F. I tried with MMTool, the CPU Patch is greyed, i tried with UBU, i don’t have option to replace microcode, tried with UEFITool, can’t replace body… I don’t know what i’m doing wrong, it seems that AMD is way harder than Intel to change Microcode.

Do you know what can i try now ?
Thanks !

Different approach/dependencies… so a bit.
You can always try the straight HeX edition, replacing the code of an unused one or even try to add, you should check the mcode volume space, as long as you know and have the skill/tools for recovering a failed attempt.


Sorry, but sincerely…Hex is Hex, its your taste and how do you work better with one or another, this is up to you, its not my own personal choices that can be better for this user or that user.

Supermicro have IPMI to recover failed attempt, and in the worst case, i have an CH341a programmer.
Do you have any HeX editor to recommend ? If it’s not possible to add code, i can replace the one from Ryzen 8000 as i doesn’t use it. Something like 00A70F52 > 00B40F00 and 00A70F80 > 00B40F40 can be done ?

Is there any guide to know how to find the microcode in a hex file ? Actually i don’t really understand


platomav/CPUMicrocodes: Intel, AMD, VIA & Freescale CPU Microcode Repositories (github.com)

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Thanks, but i already used MCExtractor on both bios file, and i have the r305 db, but i can’t inject the new microcode with UBU. So i’m pretty sure i have to deal with Hex replacement, but i don’t know how to find the microcode part, that’s why i’m asking if there is any guide to know how to edit the microcode in hex


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can you post your bios, I may not be skilled enough with hex editor but I will try my best. :sweat_smile:

Thanks, i think i got it working, but now i have to find a way to force flash the bios. Trying to find AFU with GAN command on Aptio V, i will tell you once i’m done

I got it working, just have to find a way to flash now, but thanks :grinning:

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good for you then :partying_face:

Okay so… it’s been 3 Hours and i can’t flash the bios. When i try with the IPMI, i have a failure because of verification failed. AFU doesn’t work because of error 18 and i have no GAN command, and i can’t find if Aptio 5 bios have AFU version working with GAN. So i tried with flashrom, but same shit, “No EEPROM/flash device found” with some error when trying to disable security.

Do you guys have any idea on what to try before using the programmer ? AFU readed the bios fine compared to Flashrom so i’m pretty sure there is something to do with it if there is an option to force the flash

i have no idea using flashrom and AFU, i always use ch341a because my bios capsule, here you can dig more information.

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Just replacing Microcode will not work to support 9000er series. Beside the Microcode it has his own SMU and many, many other modules. Kinda impossible to do this by your own.

Have you already asked the support for a new bios?

Yes, I did about two motherboards. They said that neither of them would receive an update because there weren’t enough people asking for it. They also said that there isn’t any physical limitation on the motherboard. However, one of the motherboards received the update a few days before support responded to me, so they don’t even seem to know what they’re talking about. I really don’t know if they will update the second one or not.